Student Tracker Timesheet
Student Name:______________________________________ Month:_______________________Yr: ____________
Time Spent Studying
AZTEC assignment:Fractions
Practice on Fractions
1 ½ hours
20 minutes
45 minutes
Email to Instructor
Eastern Wyoming College
Adult Basic Education
Student Application for Distant Learning
Name:_____________________________________ Site:__________________________
Address:___________________________________ Date:_________________________
___________________________________ Tel:__________________________
Justification/reason for requesting distance learning:
I understand that as a distance learning student I am required to:
1) Work at least three hours per week on the assigned software program
2) Contact my instructor on a weekly basis, by email, phone, or face-to-face.
3) Maintain a ‘student tracker timesheet’ where I record all hours spent working on my distance
learning program. This is to include hours working on the assigned software, hours spent in
contact with my instructor and all other hours spent working on distance learning. Student
tracker timesheet must be submitted to my instructor by the last day of each month.
4) Make a monthly face-to-face appointment to meet with my instructor to review my progress.
5) Come into the center for all testing arranged by my instructor.
Student Signature:_____________________________ Date:______________________________
For Instructor Use:
Hours logged to date:__________________ Pre test taken: ___ Y ___N
Test date:_____________
Student has been assigned learning activities/modules/curriculum on:
AZTEC KeyTrain
Student has demonstrated an ability to access and successfully use the assigned software: __Y __N
Student has been given instructor contact information: ____Y _____N
Approved by: _______________________________ Date:_____________________
Signature of Instructor
click to sign
click to edit
Eastern Wyoming College
Adult Basic Education
ABE Distance Education: Application/Policy
1. Definition of Distance Learning
Distance education is a learning process whereby students and teachers are separated by space,
time, or both for the majority of the instructional period. Distance learning materials are in a
variety of media including print, audio recording, videotape, broadcasts computer software,
web-based programs and other online technology. Teachers support distance learners through
communication via mail, telephone, e-mail or online technologies and software.
2. Criteria for a student to apply for Distance Education
Students must complete a minimum of 12 hours of in-seat instruction before they may request
the distance education component. However, in instances where the student is not able to meet
the full 12 hours due to employment conflicts, this requirement may be waived with the
Program Director’s permission.
Students must demonstrate to the instructor a commitment to study time and effort.
Students must exhibit competency with the computer and ability to access the assigned
software program.
Students must complete the required distance learning readiness assessment.
3. Approval Process
Student must have a clear understanding of Distance Education requirements and expectations.
All Distance Education students must complete the attached application form and be approved
by the assigned instructor.
4. Description of how the program will work. Include the expectations of both students and
teachers. Describe ongoing contact with the student for assistance, counseling, and
motivation. Must include monthly contact face-to-face with the student.
Students completion of a distance learning readiness assessment determines existing
strengths in participating in a distance learning program.
Students must agree to work on the assigned program at least three hours per week.
Student must agree to be in weekly contact with the instructor. Contact can be through
email correspondence, face to face contact, or by telephone. Students will be required to
maintain a student tracker timesheet accounting for all time spent on distance learning
components. Study time hours will be hours spent working on the assigned software
program, hours spent in contact with the instructor, and other hours spent using various
instructional web sites and/or materials.
Hours tracked for entry into LACES will include hours spent working on the assigned
software and hours spent in contact with the instructor.
Students must demonstrate ability to log in to Aztec or KeyTrain and become familiar with
Students will have information for contacting instructor by telephone or email.
Student will commit to contacting the instructor a minimum of one time per week by phone
or email.
Students will make an appointment to come into the Center for one face-to-face counseling
meeting per month with the assigned instructor.
5. Describe the assessment process and specific time intervals.
Formal assessments (TABE tests and Official Practice Tests) are not permitted to be done as part
of Distance Education. Students will be required to come to the Center for any pre/post testing
and Practice Tests. The schedule for assessments will be set when the student has their monthly
face-to-face meeting with the assigned instructor.
6. Specify the curricula to be used
The distance education program at EWC will incorporate the web-based computer software
programs of AZTEC and KeyTrain.
7. Describe the process for tracking time to be entered into LACES.
Clock time hours will be recorded from student reports on Aztec and Keytrain.
The hours a student is in direct contact with the instructor will be recorded by the instructor
and submitted on a monthly log of student hours.
Both types of hours will be recorded on a monthly basis and logged as instructional/distance
learning hours on LACES.
8. Criteria to remain active in the program.
Students who fail to make weekly contact with the assigned instructor will be removed from
the Distant Learning program after two weeks of non-contact. At that point, access to the
assigned software will be terminated.
Students who fail to make their monthly face-to-face meeting with the assigned instructor
will be removed from the Distant Learning program and access to the software will be
Access to the software and/or reinstatement as a distance learner may be reinstated at the
discretion of the instructor once instructor specific criterion is met.
Students who show insufficient progress on the assigned software will be referred back to
the local ABE center for placement into classes.
The State of Wyoming Distance Education Policy will be the final determination for all policies and
Student Tracker Timesheet
Student Name:______________________________________ Month:_______________________Yr: ____________
Time Spent Studying
AZTEC assignment:Fractions
Practice on Fractions
1 ½ hours
20 minutes
45 minutes
Email to Instructor