Contra Costa College
Distance Education Addendum
This form, an addendum or supplement to the Course Outline of Record, is used by the CCC
Distance Education (DE) Coordinator and Curriculum & Instruction Committee (CIC) to
document the approval of course sections offered fully online and/or partially online. It can be
used for both course modifications and new courses. All fields must be completed for a proposal
to be reviewed and approved by the DE Coordinator.
Relevant Title 5 Sections
§ 55202. Course Quality Standards
“The same standards of course quality shall be applied to any portion of a course conducted
through distance education as are applied to traditional classroom courses, in regard to the course
quality judgment made pursuant to the requirements of section 55002, and in regard to any local
course quality determination or review process. Determinations and judgments about the quality
of distance education under the course quality standards shall be made with the full involvement
of faculty in accordance with the provisions of subchapter 2 (commencing with section 53200) of
chapter 2” (Title 5, section 55202).
§ 55206. Separate Course Approval
“If any portion of the instruction in a new or existing course is to be provided through distance
education, an addendum to the official course outline of record shall be required. In addition to
addressing how course outcomes will be achieved in a distance education mode, the addendum
shall at a minimum specify how the portion of instruction delivered via distance education meets:
“(a) Regular and effective contact between instructors and students and among students as
referenced in title 5, section 55204(a), and
“(b) Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12100 et seq.) and
section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, (29 U.S.C. § 749d)
The addendum shall be separately approved according to the district's adopted curriculum
approval procedures” (Title 5, section 55206).
§ 55204. Instructor Contact
“In addition to the requirements of section 55002 and any locally established requirements
applicable to all courses, district governing boards shall ensure that:
“(a) Any portion of a course conducted through distance education includes regular effective
contact between instructor and students, and among students, either synchronously or
asynchronously, through group or individual meetings, orientation and review sessions,
supplemental seminar or study sessions, field trips, library workshops, telephone contact, voice