Dispositions Survey (Self-Evaluation)
Full Name:
The College of Education at Winthrop University emphasizes four professional dispositions that all educators should embody:
Commitment, Integrity, Communication, and Fairness. Throughout your time at Winthrop University, your instructors will be giving
you feedback on your professional dispositions both formally and informally. Faculty will be observing your disposition by examining
how you display professional behaviors in light of your own personal beliefs. It will be the behaviors observed that are used as part
of the indication of your readiness for more responsibility in course and field work. In addition to examination of behaviors by
faculty, you will be encouraged throughout your development to also self-reflect on your dispositions and development. This
process of honest reflection is part of a professional approach and development as a teacher.
For each specific item below consider whether you are meeting expectations or whether additional improvement is needed. Place
an “X” in the appropriate column for each item. Sample behaviors are available at
For each behavior I
1. Student is on time and prepared to engage each day.
2. Student completes assignments on time.
3. Student takes responsibility for reading and adhering to course syllabus and guidelines before
contacting instructor.
4. Student demonstrates appropriate use of electronic equipment in all course-related settings.
5. Student attendance is regular and in rare cases when absence occurs the student informs the
appropriate individuals per the norms established for the specific setting.
6. Student’s body language and class participation show appropriate levels of engagement for the
specific setting.
7. Student demonstrates respect for own learning by seeking timely support.
8. Student demonstrates professionalism in all settings which includes adhering to dress codes for
the specific setting.
1. Student demonstrates a respect for privacy by the way in which sensitive information is handled
in interactions in all settings.
2. Student maintains professional courtesy when expressing thoughts and opinions.
3. Student demonstrates ethical conduct by meeting established standards for assignment
submissions and intellectual honesty.
4. Student is honest in interactions with professionals, peers, and families.
1. Student’s interaction with peers, instructors, and/or other professionals is appropriate and
2. Student demonstrates the ability to listen and be respectful of divergent viewpoints.
3. Student demonstrates professional use of electronic communication.
4. Student demonstrates the ability to accept evaluative feedback and constructive criticism from
peers, instructors, and/or other professionals.
1. Student demonstrates behaviors that are consistent with the belief that all individuals have value
and inherent capabilities to learn and develop.
2. Student demonstrates behaviors that are consistent with the belief that respect for diversity
throughout all work, communications, and interactions is essential in the learning environment.
Dispositions Survey (Self-Reflection)
Analysis of Growth
Identify two or three specific areas related to the numbered sub-points on the self-reflection in which
you have experienced growth.
Examples must fall in multiple dispositional categories.
Provide specific examples that illustrate changed behaviors and/or beliefs.
Area for Further Development
Identify which of the four dispositions (Commitment, Integrity, Communication, or Fairness) you want to
target for improvement.
You are encouraged to review dispositional feedback in your coursework to help guide your goal setting.
State two personal goals for the focus dispositional category identified in the previous section that have
the potential to help you develop further in your focus area. Be specific! What will you do to reach this
actionable goal?
o Specific goal for “Commitment”: I will improve my course engagement by setting up a specific
time to study at least 5 days a week. I will not return to my residence hall room between classes
and instead I will find a place to study where I can concentrate on getting work done. Finally, I
will regularly complete readings and review my notes before the next class meeting.
o Non-specific goal: I will work harder to improve my grades.