Tuesday, January 22, 2019
SKILLS are required to perform multiple tasks with a potential need to upgrade skills in order to meet changing job
conditions. Specific skill based competencies required to satisfactorily perform the functions of the job include:
operating two way radio and county emergency radio; operating standard office equipment including utilizing pertinent
software applications; performing standard clerical procedures; and preparing and maintaining accurate records.
KNOWLEDGE is required to perform basic math, including calculations using fractions, percents, and/or ratios; read
a variety of manuals, write documents following prescribed formats, and/or present information to others; and
analyze situations to define issues and draw conclusions. Specific knowledge based competencies required to
satisfactorily perform the functions of the job include: pertinent department policies and procedures; office practices
and procedures; and concepts of grammar and punctuation.
ABILITY is required to schedule a number of activities, meetings, and/or events; gather, collate, and/or classify data;
and consider a number of factors when using equipment. Flexibility is required to work with others in a wide variety of
circumstances; work with data utilizing defined and similar processes; and operate equipment using standardized
methods. Ability is also required to work with a diversity of individuals and/or groups; work with a variety of data; and
utilize a variety of job-related equipment. Problem solving is required to analyze issues and create action plans.
Problem solving with data requires independent interpretation of guidelines; and problem solving with equipment is
limited. Specific ability based competencies required to satisfactorily perform the functions of the job include:
adapting to changing work priorities; meeting deadlines and schedules; setting priorities; working with detailed
information/data; and working with frequent interruptions.
Additional Comments:
Employee Date
Supervisor Date
Employee’s signature does not imply agreement with the evaluation; it means that the employee received a
copy of the evaluation and its contents were discussed with the employee by their supervisor.