Discover Your Rock Star Client™
Marketing For Tapping Into Wealth Coaches
Goal: to clarify and define who you wish to attract, the problem they know they have but need
your solution, how they will be transformed with your product and service.
What is the big Mission and Money payoff?
1. Reveals the bigger impact you make on your clients
2. Captivates your Rock Star Client and speaks to their right brain, heart and soul
3. Connect to your Rock Star client so they are Moved to Action.
4. Know exactly what words to use for your marketing
5. Magnetize the clients who can pay you:Rock Star Clients
6. Position your business for Profit
Who is Your Rock Star Client?
#1. What is the problem that you solve?
The problems you solve and are expert at solving…and have amazing solutions to MUST
be urgent expensive and painful for many reasons!
These must be problems that are costing them something big in time, money and life
enjoyment. It is both tangible and expensive, and has deeper cost beyond that… painful,
snowballing, regret causing, grief inducing, I hate this! Problem!
Zero in on the 3-4 problems your clients KNOW they can’t solve on their own. This is the
core of what you do...
#2. Go after people who can pay you… Or you will struggle!
24% of the population has 68% of the disposable income.
People who are earning over $75,000 have disposable income!
Copyright Margaret M Lynch, 2014, Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Training Program.
You must position your business to be profitable. You can always carve out time for people
who can’t afford your rates and provide TONS of free resources too!
Many talented people ignore these steps and spend years working day and night to market their
goods and services to the wrong people.
You must position YOURSELF and your solutions to magnetize the clients that have the money
to pay you.
Shine the spotlight brighter on WHO?
Questions to ask yourself:
Aren’t you solving a problem you understand for the people you understand? YES! Remember
that You understand them at a very deep level: they are you, they may have the same
aspirations as you (maybe not the same pains) or you have worked with people like that for a
long time.
What keeps them up at night IN THEIR WORDS?
Know the basic solution you provide: what group of people feels like it is more of a problem,
more urgent: what subgroup in your larger perfect customer...
Brainstorm answers to these questions. Imagine doing what you love, who are you working
with? If you already have some ideal clients then why do you love working with them? What
are the characteristics, attitudes and attributes of my Rock Star Customer?
What does it feel like to work with your rock star client? ________________________________
Who do they need you to be? ____________________________________________________
What don’t I want? (Contrast brings even greater clarity) _______________________________
Copyright Margaret M Lynch, 2014, Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Training Program.
Do you love them? Make sure you do! ___________________________________________
***In your list always include: ability to pay me, decisiveness and readiness for your product or
The before picture: Your Perfect Rock Star Client Before
Susan Boyle Before.....
Exercise A: Imagine your perfect Rock Star client before
dramatic makeover, before their transformation, before they
started working with you or have gone through your process.
As if you are watching a movie, look at your perfect customer
and describe in detail what you see, feel, hear, notice
**** How would THEY say it in their words (not your summary)
1. What did they say/feel about:
their state of being ______________________________________________________
finances ______________________________________________________________
their family_____________________________________________________________
their job_______________________________________________________________
2. What was/is the problem they struggle with that has an urgent feel, they are losing time.
Costing them something- big and tangible and expensive? Problem they cannot solve on
their own (and they know they can’t).
3. Why did they come to you (in their words)?
Copyright Margaret M Lynch, 2014, Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Training Program.
4. What keeps them up at 2 am (get in their head)?
5. What is their current struggle (as they would say it)?
6. How would they answer “I need to learn or know how to do...”
You have just brainstormed a detailed list of what is going through the mind of your perfect
customer, or their pain points. This will be used in your marketing to attract your perfect
customer to you.
****keep these words in the language and as exact as possible the words of your customer. Do
not try to add your jargon, tweak the language to suit you or your style....when you keep the
statements in their words it is as if you are magically reading their minds...and you are (actually
you are deeply listening while you ask questions). They develop emotional resonance with you
and they feel connected as if you know them so well, you understand them deeply (and you
do!). Then they want to work with you and pay you money.
List your top 4 or 5 pain points here, make sure they are the things you love to help people
This incredible list focuses you, now you know:
How to pick/ask for testimonials: choose them based around people/your clients with
stories that match your pain points.
You just outlined 4 or 5 articles or videos to create and send out as credibility building
You can teach or create tips/solutions based on these pain points.
Copyright Margaret M Lynch, 2014, Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Training Program.
Media moments! As a rock star, expect media attention and a rock star is always prepared to
WOW in the moment...this training prepares you for your media moments. So the list you just
created also helps you to know:
How to portray yourself as an authority. Knowing these pain points and articulating
them, for example in a media interview, you are seen as a person in your field who has
your finger on the pulse in your niche.
You get to sound cooler and say broader things about your perfect customers.
But wait! Do enough people think the problem you defined is bad enough? Time to test it:
Now that you have discovered your Rock Star niche/perfect client and the broader perfect client
(niche) do enough people think this is a big problem that needs solving?
If 1 is “I can totally live with it” and 10 is “I am dying help me now!) would your perfect Rock
Star client rate the problem you defined as higher than a 7?
Yes? or No? If no you need a to see what their problem is that needs solving that you actually
solve and is a 7 or higher....get your accountability partner and get clear!
After Picture: Your Perfect Rock Star Client After
Susan Boyle After.....
Exercise B: Imagine your perfect customer after
dramatic makeover, after their transformation, after they
have worked with you or have gone through your process or
have your product or service:
As if you are watching a movie, look at your perfect
customer again and describe in detail what you see, feel,
hear, notice
1. What are their exact results from working with you/from your product or service?
Copyright Margaret M Lynch, 2014, Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Training Program.
2. What were the secondary/intrinsic benefits of working with you or your product? Or the
emotional/personal benefits. How did they feel? What did they experience? What is their
energy like now?
3. What is the ultimate outcome in THEIR words/What would THEY say?
4. Why do they want that? So they can do/feel/say/have.....what?
You have just brainstormed a detailed list of the benefits that your perfect customer gets from
working with you, the transformation that you provide with your service or product, your
customer promise or what your clients get when they work with you.
***This list will be used in your marketing...
List your top 4 or 5 benefits here:
***Time to OWN your awesomeness! Do you see how many more benefits you are giving that
transcend what you are mechanically giving them??
Exercise C: Imagine your perfect Rock Star client 6 months to a year from now if they did not
work with you...What would the cost
be if your perfect customer chose not to work with you or
did not use your service or product? (In this section you can use your imagination and your
knowledge about your service/product to predict the future. No you don’t know exactly but you
can guess...or use your experience)
As if you are watching a movie, look at your perfect customer again and describe in detail what
you see, feel, hear, notice.
Copyright Margaret M Lynch, 2014, Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Training Program.
1. What does it cost in unrealized
2. Personal wellbeing?____________________________________________________
3. Energy? _____________________________________________________________
4. Relationships? ________________________________________________________
5. What is the cost of not taking action? ______________________________________
Examining the cost helps you to get to other pain points of your perfect customer.
List your top 3 cost/pain points here:
1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________
3. Where can you use these words, these bits of gold?
networking/meetings with people
as an answer to what do you do
website copy
brochures/biz cards
creating stories with impact
making products
FB/Tweets/Social media
in your talks
Putting it all together:
Who is your Rock Star client? __________________________________________________
What is the problem they need solved? How do they..._______________________________
What do they really want? ______________________________________________________
They need to know/learn/do_____________________________________________________
Copyright Margaret M Lynch, 2014, Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Training Program.
What is your solution? The ultimate outcome they want is.....___________________________
Who do they become after the transformation/solution?
Answer the question So they can......______________________________________________
Copyright Margaret M Lynch, 2014, Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Training Program.
Excerpted from:
Stand out like a Rock Star
6 steps to explode your visibility, impact and income!
Excerpted from:
Stand out like a Rock Star
Module 2: Opening Mission Statement (Oprah Moment Sound-Byte)
Goal: Craft your super cool mission statement, clearly stating “what you do” in a “WOW moment”!
(as it should be!)
Your Big Mission and Money Payoff:
1) Reveals your mission in a WOW moment
2) Feel confident, powerful,congruent when asked what you do
3) A whole new desire and willingness to network because you LOVE what you say
4) PC will be captivated and motivated to work with you
5) Puts you in a whole different league in any group
6) Reveals you as someone who is clear, confident, focused, valuable…a Rock Star.
7) Fabulous Words - Know exactly how to introduce yourself in talks, video and all marketing
You clarified your perfect customer (or at least who it is for now) created a list of pain points and
benefits/promises of your Rockstar client.
Get that list and let’s put it together for your Opening Mission Statement or just in case you get
called for Oprah, you will know exactly how to explain what you do in a way that WOWs
whoever you are talking to...then they will want to know more!
Part 1. Notice the language of your benefits: is it vivid? juicy? exciting? descriptive? does it
paint a picture? (remember the wording of your pain points are that of your perfect customer).
Make any changes necessary to add punch, pop and paint that picture for your customer. Use
full visual and sensory descriptions.
Vivid and captivating benefits:
Copyright Margaret M Lynch, 2014, Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Training Program.
Part 2: Here is the WOW formula for your Opening Mission Statement:
I show
WHO, struggling with
What, how to
go Where.
Who? = Perfect Customers
With What? = Their Key Pain points
Where to? = Your Key Promises/Benefits - them in future feeling/being/having
Copyright Margaret M Lynch, 2014, Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Training Program.