Agency Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program Accomplishment
Report Electronic Reporting Instructions
General Instructions:
1. Complete all items and questions in the forms field.
2. Electronic Requirements – Agency should only submit data for what they have
accomplished the previous Fiscal Year in accordance with the minimal requirements of
the accomplishment report content from Title 5 CFR Part 720 Subpart C, which is
provided on this form.
3. Collection of accomplishment data requires a completed accomplishment report data
element that has been recorded throughout the previous Fiscal Year. Accomplishment
reports may vary from agency to agency. This form provides conformity and
standardization for the minimal required core data. The forms have limited characters so
agency may attach addendums when needed, if the form does not allow you to capture
the data completely.
DVAAP Accomplishment Report Information
1. Agency – Provide the name of the agency.
2. FY – Provide the Fiscal Year of which the accomplishment report will be covered under.
Examples: 2016.
3. POC Name – Provide the name of the point of contact.
4. Phone – Provide the phone number of point of contact.
5. Methods used to recruit and employ disabled veterans, especially those who are 30
percent or more disabled – Provide methods used to recruit and employ disabled
veterans, especially those who are 30 percent or more disabled. You may attach
supporting addendums if the information provided pertains to the requirement.
6. Is there an explanation of the recruitment and employment methods they have
used? – OPM DVAAP Manager should click on “Yes”, “Somewhat” or “No” to indicate
if the agency provided an explanation of the recruitment and employment methods they
have used.
7. Methods used to provide or improve internal advancement opportunities for
disabled veterans – Provide methods used to offer or improve internal advancement
opportunities for disabled veterans. You may attach supporting addendums if the
information provided pertains to the requirement.
8. Does agency explain the career advancement methods they have used? - OPM
DVAAP Manager should click on “Yes”, “Somewhat” or “No” to indicate if the agency
explains the career advancement methods they have used.
9. A description of how the activities of major operating components and field
installations were monitored, reviewed, and evaluated – Provide a description of how
the activities of major operating components and field installations were monitored,
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