1. Write the class title, date and page number in the upper right hand corner of each page of
notes to help the student keep the pages in order and know if any pages are missing.
2. If you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word, write “(sp?)” above the word so the
student can check the correct spelling in the textbook.
3. Make key points emphasized by using stars, asterisks, underlining, and large letters.
4. If there are no notes to take (i.e. test, group work, etc.) write the date and the reason there
were no notes for the student.
5. Write notes in an organized manner, (i.e. outlining, indenting, etc.). Try not to crowd words
6. If something is unclear in the notes, ask the instructor after class for clarification.
7. Include all points from the lecture, regardless if the information is common knowledge. The
information may be common knowledge to the note taker, but not to the student.
8. If textbook page numbers are referred to during class, make sure to record the page number
references in conjunction with the lecture topic.
9. Use either blue or black ink when taking notes. Colored ink is distracting. Also, notes will be
easier to read if you only use one side of the paper.
10. Include all meaningful facts and details (i.e. technical facts, names, dates, equations,
diagrams and examples).
11. Reading the text and reviewing your notes before class will improve your understanding of
the lecture.
12. Try and minimize the use of abbreviations. When abbreviations are used, try to make a note
explaining what the abbreviations represent.
13. Try and define difficult vocabulary words when possible.
14. Establish a communication system between you, the student, and the professor/instructor by
exchange of phone numbers and e-mail addresses of all parties involved.
15. Approach the student after class to discuss any concerns regarding note taking or call the
Disability Services at 421-6969.