Berkshire Community College values inclusion and equal access to its programs and activities and is committed to a climate of mutual respect and full participa-
tion. Our goal is to create learning environments that are usable, equitable, inclusive and welcoming. If you are a student with a disability and require reasonable
academic accommodations, we encourage you to contact us prior to the start of a semester to discuss your accommodation needs and options. We will work
collaboratively with you to develop an effective accommodation plan.
To develop this plan, we will need documentation of your disability. Ideally, your documentation will provide a clear statement of your disability based on the most
recent edition of the DSM or ICD, discuss its current impact on your academic performance and other major life activities, and will be completed by a qualied
professional. Additionally, your documentation should:
 Rate the current status of your condition, level of severity and whether it is permanent or temporary. If temporary, it should include an estimated time for
 Summarize the relevant education, developmental, psychiatric, or medical history that supports your diagnosis; and
 Recommend accommodations and provide a direct link between the requested accommodation and the symptoms of your disability.
If you have a learning disability, traumatic brain injury or intellectual disability, you should provide the following:
 A complete intellectual assessment with all subtests and standard scores reported;
 A comprehensive academic achievement battery with all subtests and standard scores;
 Current levels of academic functioning in relevant areas such as reading (decoding and comprehension), mathematics (calculations and reasoning), and
oral and written language (mechanics and development); specic areas of information processing;
 A written summary of or background information about your education, medical and family histories that relate to your disability; and
 Clear and specic evidence and identication of your disability. When diagnosing a learning or intellectual disability, please use direct language, avoiding
terms such as, “suggests” or “is indicative of” or “is consistent with.”
All documentation should include the name, title and credentials of the person completing it. It should be signed, dated and on letterhead. Additionally, your
documentation should state your full name and date of birth. Documentation from multiple sources, including IEPs and 504 Plans, will be considered as long as,
together, they meet the criteria above.
A student is considered disabled when they have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity as dened in the ADAA
When used for determining accommodations, currency of documentation depends on whether the disability is of a changing or unchanging nature.
Learning Disabilities, Attention Decit Hyperactivity Disorders, Traumatic
Brain Injuries
Five years
Psychiatric Disabilities, Health-Related Disorders One year
Blind, Legally Blind Does not need to be current
Low Vision Three years
Deaf, Hard of Hearing Does not need to be current unless there is a signicant change in hearing
status or amplication use
Disability Resource Center
Documentation Guidelines
Berkshire Community College Disability Resource Center ▪ Susan B. Anthony Building, Room 118▪ Phone: 413-236-1614  ▪ Fax: 413-499-4576
Professionals conducting assessment, rendering diagnoses of disabilities, offering clinical judgments and making recommendations for accommodations must
have training, expertise and appropriate licensure/certication to do so.
Learning Disabilities Clinical, school or educational psychologists, learning disability specialists
Attention Decit Hyperactivity Disorders Licensed psychologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, other relevantly
trained medical doctors
Traumatic Brain Injuries Clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, neurologists, occupational
therapists, speech and language pathologists, and other medical doctors
with relevant training
Autism Spectrum Disorders Psychologists, neuropsychologists, speech/language therapists,
occupational therapists, psychiatrists, other relevantly trained professionals
Psychiatric Disabilities Licensed psychologist, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, other relevantly
trained medical doctors, clinical social workers, school psychologists,
psychiatric nurse practitioners
Physical and/or Health-Related Disorders
Medical doctors, surgeons, chiropractors, physical and speech therapists,
neuropsychologist, other relevantly trained health care professionals
Blindness, Low Vision
Ophthalmologist, optometrist or other relevantly trained eye care specialist
Deaf, Hard of Hearing
Audiologist, Otolaryngologist or other relevantly trained hearing specialists
Berkshire Community College Disability Resource Center ▪ Susan B. Anthony Building, Room 118▪ Phone: 413-236-1614  ▪ Fax: 413-499-4576
Berkshire Community College values inclusion and equal access to its programs and activities and is committed to a climate of mutual respect and full
participation. Our goal is to create learning environments that are usable, equitable, inclusive and welcoming. Sometimes, this means providing academic
accommodations to students with disabilities. Determining the most effective accommodations for a student consists of an interactive dialogue between the
student and the specialists in the Disability Resource Center and a review of the student’s disability documentation.
As an evaluator, providing the student with the most current, comprehensive disability documentation is critical. We want to ensure the accommodation process
goes smoothly and that the documentation supports the need for an academic adjustment. Please complete all sections of this form thoroughly.
Date of Evaluation
Student’s Name
 Date of Birth
1. State the specic diagnosed disability. When applicable, please include a DSM or ICD diagnosis with codes.
2. Summarize the relevant educational, developmental, medical or psychiatric history that supports the diagnosis. For example, provide information about
the onset of the impairment or the student’s response to medication and other interventions.
For students with learning disabilities, traumatic brain injuries or intellectual disabilities, please describe the comprehensive testing and techniques
used to determine the diagnosis and attach the evaluator’s full report.
3. Rate the current status of the condition:  active  progressing  controlled  in remission
4. Rate the level of severity:  mild  moderate  severe
5. Is the diagnosed disability:  temporary (less than 6 months )  permanent (greater than 6 months)
6. Describe how the disability currently impacts academic performance and/or other major life activity. For example, a student diagnosed with a
generalized anxiety disorder 300.02 (F41.1) may exhibit clinically signicant distress in an academic environment which could affect concentration and
interfere with memory functioning and recall of learned material. Please be specic and detailed.
Disability Resource Center
Documenting the Students Disability
(Please type or print)
Berkshire Community College Disability Resource Center ▪ Susan B. Anthony Building, Room 118▪ Phone: 413-236-1614  ▪ Fax: 413-499-4576
7. Describe the specic accommodations you are recommending and explain why they are necessary. For example, in the case above, the students stress
level may impair working memory. Providing a basic four-function calculator for a mathematics exam would be a reasonable accommodation, as would
recording class lecture.
8. Complete the following information about yourself. Please print legibly.
Name and Professional Title
Licensure/Certication Number
Phone Number
By providing my signature, I am certifying that I am licensed to make this diagnosis and conrming that this student has a disability that
substantially limits one or more major life activity:
Thank You!
Pamela A. Farron, Coordinator
Disability Resource Center
Documenting the Students Disability
(Please type or print)
Berkshire Community College Disability Resource Center ▪ Susan B. Anthony Building, Room 118▪ Phone: 413-236-1614  ▪ Fax: 413-499-4576