1. Establishes goals/objectives within the department that support the College’s mission.
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
2. Demonstrates effective leadership in the administration of the department.
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
3. Performs essential functions and other job related responsibilities effectively.
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
4. Follows Board and College Policies.
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
5. Gives firm direction when needed and delegates appropriately.
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
6. Resolves conflicts in a constructive way.
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Director Evaluation / Supervisor
Space is provided below for self-evaluation by the employee and performance evaluation by the
supervisor. Please check the rating box which you believe most accurately reflects performance for the
respective category. Checking “Exceeds Expectations” or “Needs Improvement” requires an explanation
and/or guidance. Use the back of the page to write explanations and comments.
Employee Section | Supervisor Section