1. Look at the photo.
2. Listen to your teacher read the questions.
3. Check the best answer or answers.
1. Check off all the ways that tell how Estela and Kareem are focusing their
attention and listening.
a. Looking at the speaker
b. Ignoring distractions
c. Interrupting
d. Being still
2. Check off the Skill for Learning that Estela is using to help her remember directions.
a. Focus attention
b. Listen
c. Use self-talk
d. Be assertive
3. Check off all the clues that help you tell that Kareem and Estela have different feelings
about how to work on math.
a. Their faces
b. Their fingerprints
c. The situation
d. Their bodies
4. Check off how you think Estela is feeling.
a. Scared
b. Frustrated
c. Happy
d. Surprised
5. Check off all the Calming-Down Steps you learned in your
Second Step
a. Say “Stop”
b. Name your feeling
c. Break your pencil
d. Calm down
© 2011 Committee for Children
Second Step: Skills for Social and Academic Success
Page 77
Summative Knowledge Assessment
Student Version
Grade 2
6. Check off the answer that tells how to belly breathe.
a. Breathe a few times. Check your belly.
b. Put your hands on your belly. Breathe in and out slowly.
c. Breathe in and out as fast as you can.
d. Rub your belly with your hands. Take a breath.
7. Check off all the Problem-Solving Steps Estela and Kareem can use to solve their problem.
a. T: Think of solutions
b. D: Decide who is to blame
c. E: Explore consequences
d. S: Say the problem
e. P: Pick the best solution
8. Check off each answer that says what “respectful” means.
a. Treating others how you think they’d like to be treated
b. Being polite
c. Being bossy
d. Being kind
9. Check off each answer that says what it means to explore the consequences of a solution.
a. Think of the positive things that could happen.
b. Think about how other people might feel.
c. Think of the quickest one to do.
d. Think of the negative things that could happen.
10. Check off the answer with the best solution to Estela and Kareem’s problem.
a. Copy the answer from another group.
b. Don’t do the problem.
c. Ask the teacher for help in a calm, firm voice.
d. Count to 10.
Page 78
Second Step: Skills for Social and Academic Success © 2011 Committee for Children
Summative Knowledge Assessment
Student Version
Grade 2