Diploma Replacement Request Form
Send the completed and signed request by mail to:
Royal Military College of Canada
Office of the Registrar
P.O. Box 17000, Station Forces, Kingston, ON, K7K 7B4
Telephone: 613-541-6000 extension 6681
Fax: 613-541-6357
Name in full
Student Number
e of Birth (dd/mm/yy)
Graduated in year
Degree Granted
Please note RMCC only reprints diplomas for very relevant reasons such as fire, flood, act of vandalism etc… and to obtain a reprinted
diploma you must make an official request in writing. In the case of a damaged diploma you must return the original diploma to
RMCC. In all other cases you must submit a Statutory Declaration signed by a Notary Public or a Commanding Officer if you are a
serving Member of the Forces. Diplomas are reproduced two time each year along with normal convocation.
Please hold for pickup
Please send the replacement diploma to
The fee for a replacement diploma is $50.000HWKRGRI3D\PHQW
In person: Cash, Certified Cheque Money order, Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Debit/
By Mail: Money order, Visa, Mastercard, Amex
By Fax: Visa, Mastercard, Amex
Students owing money to RMCC will have the request withheld until the account is paid in full.
Name of Cardholder:
Visa Mastercard American Express
Credit card number
Expiry Date (dd/mm/yy)