900________________ Gwinnett Technical College
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Degree Competitive Selection Application
The Diagnostic Medical Sonography program requires the following courses to be completed by the application prerequisite deadline.
Each course must be completed with a minimum grade of “C.” In addition to earning a minimum grade of “C” in each course, an overall
GPA of 3.0 must be earned in the required prerequisite courses. A student may retake a course, however only the most recent attempt
will be considered for the prerequisite GPA calculation used for this initial screening process. The final selection process will include
additional criteria such as, GPA calculation on all course attempts, prerequisite GPA, ATI TEAS Exam results, etc.
Please identify where and when each course was completed, and the letter grade attained. If you repeated a required course, please
list information related to the most recent attempt. Gwinnett Technical College must have an official transcript on file for each college
previously attended. Please view your Gwinnett Technical academic transcript through Self-Service BANNER Web to find the dates and
grades for specific courses completed with Gwinnett Technical College.
College Where
points from
key to the
Column A Column B
of Credit
(Add hours
from each
class and
enter total on
Product of
last 2
(Multiply Grade
points by number
of credit hours)
Enter total from Column B
Enter total from Column A
*Course must have been completed within five years of the competitive program application prerequisite deadline.
**Course must have been completed within 10 years of the program application prerequisite deadline.
Please initial next to each statement, signifying that you have read and understand the information; then sign and date below.
I understand this application, along with all course information and supporting documents, must be received emailing
healthapp@gwinnetttech.edu by the program application packet deadline of June 22, 2020. I also understand incomplete packets will not be
I have attached an unofficial copy of my Gwinnett Technical College transcript, which I have printed from gtc-web.org and I have confirmed that all
I understand FYES 1000 (unless exempt) must be completed with a “C” or higher to meet graduation requirements. Students are strongly
encouraged to complete FYES, a Humanities Elective, and PSYC 1101 prior to the program start to meet graduation requirements.
I understand that all prerequisites marked with an asterisk (*) above must have been completed within 5 year of the application deadline and all
courses marked with two asterisks (**) must have been completed within 10 years of the application deadline. BIOL classes completed prior to
Summer Semester of 2015 will be considered expired and PHYS 1110 classes completed prior to Summer Semester of 2010 will be considered
expired. Expired classes must be retaken or an exemption exam passed within the current application cycle in order to apply. Information on
exemption exams can be found at gwinnetttech.edu/programs/assessment-testing-center/exempt-out-of-coursework/
I understand that completion of prerequisite courses and meeting other minimum requirements does not guarantee selection to the Diagnostic
Medical Sonography program, as there are a limited number of seats available in the occupational and clinical courses. Candidate selection is
based on a competitive selection process, which includes GPA
and TEAS Score.
Student Signature_____________________________________________________Date __________________
courses and grades listed above are accurately reflected therein. I have also attached a copy of my driver's license, TEAS exam results and if you are not
a U.S. citizen you will need to attach a copy of your Permanent Resident Card.