Development Application Package
Development Application
Application Type:
Preliminary Plat
Final Plat
Minor Subdivision
Major Subdivision
Authorized Agent/Owner :
Name of agent/owner____________________________________________
Address _________________________________ State________ Zip ________
Phone number (______) ___________________
**** Note A letter from the property owner naming the authorized agent is
Engineer / Surveyor:
Name of Engineer / Surveyor____________________________________________
Name of Firm ___________________________________________________
Address _________________________________ State________ Zip ________
Phone number (______) ___________________
Email of Project Manager____________________________________
Multiple Occupancy Project
rev. 6.20.17
Final Inspection
Commercial Site Plan
Staff Review
Property Information:
Physical Location of Property ____________________________________________
Parcel ID ______________________________________ Key No. _______________
Development Application
Property Utilities:
Emergency Services :
rev. 6.20.17
South Alabama Utilities
Septic Tank
South Alabama Utilities
Semmes Municipal Fire Department
Fire Protection
Mobile Fire Department
Wilmer Volunteer Fire Department
Tanner Williams Volunteer Fire Department
Georgetown Volunteer Fire Department
Property Road Frontage Designation (check all that apply) :
City Maintained
County Maintained
Private Road
Unpaved Road
Paved Road
Proposed Subdivision / Site Data:
Proposed Name of Project ____________________________________________
Number of proposed lots________
Smallest Lot Size _________ Largest Lot Size________ Mean Lot Size _________
Total Acreage ________ LF of Street(s) ______________
Greenspace Area in Sq. Ft. or Ac ________________________
If commercial site plan, lot of record recording data ______________________________
Property Owner Certification:
Name of owner or entity____________________________________________
Address _________________________________ State________ Zip ________
Phone number (______) ___________________
Owner or Principal Email____________________________________
****Note By signing the above you are certifying that you are the true and
correct owner of the subject property in whole or part. Properties owned by
multiple persons or entities must have this document executed by the managing
partner or supporting letters consenting to the application.
rev. 6.20.17
Total Fee Calculation Based on Application Type and Current Fee Ordinance:
_______________________________ Total
rev. 6.20.17
Staff Review:
No Charge
Multiple Occupancy:
Base Fee - $250.00
Engineering Review - $500.00 base, plus $5 per unit
Final Inspection - $250.00
Certified Mail Current USPS certified mail rate x no. of adjacent property
owner and utilities
Minor Subdivision:
Base Fee - $200.00
Certified Mail - Current USPS certified mail rate x no. of adjacent property
owner and utilities
Major Subdivision:
Base Fee - $200.00
Engineering Review - $500.00 base, plus $20 per lot
Preliminary Plat - $200.00
Final Plat - $200.00
Final Inspection - $250.00
Certified Mail - Current USPS certified mail rate x no. of adjacent property
owner and utilities
Master Plan (PUD, Conservation, Major, etc.):
Site Plan Fee - $500.00
Certified Mail - Current USPS certified mail rate x no. of adjacent property
owner and utilities
Commercial Site:
Base Fee - $200.00
Engineering Review - $500.00
Certified Mail - Current USPS certified mail rate x no. of adjacent property
owner and utilities
Waivers - $250.00 each
Property Owner Notice List Certification
Subdivision requests heard by the Planning Commission require notice to
adjacent property owners. The names and addresses of those potentially
impacted property owners shall come from the most recent tax rolls of
the Mobile County Revenue Department.
By signing the below you are certifying that the property owner records
provided are from the most recent tax rolls of the Mobile County Revenue
______________________ _______________________
Signed Printed
rev. 6.20.17