Desk Copy
Order Form
This form is intended for instructors to request desk copies for their own use in the classroom. We
are happy to assist you by requesting, tracking and receiving your desk copies. Making sure you
submit requests as early as possible; not requesting books you already have or do not need; and
making sure your request is complete and accurate will expedite the process. Thank you.
Your Info:
Full Name:
Your desk copy will be shipped directly to Campus Cache. You will be notified via e-mail when it
arrives. Please make a choice below:
I have a campus mailbox, please deliver my desk copy to my mailbox.
I do not have a mailbox but can pick up any deliveries during Campus Cache business
hours, please hold my desk copy until I come pick it up. (M-Th 8:30-6, Fri 8:30-5 unless
otherwise posted.)
I do not have a campus mailbox and am not able to make it to campus. Please help me
make other arrangements.
Requested Titles:
Title, Author
& Edition:
Publisher: ISBN:
Class: Term Year:
Please choose one:
Has the publisher ever sent you this exact
book before?
If the publisher will not send a complimentary copy:
Please order a copy through the Campus Cache's loan program. Loans are initially for 1
term but can be extended. Your department will be charged the shipping costs.
Please notify me. I will check with my department coordinator about purchasing a copy.
Title, Author
& Edition
Publisher ISBN
Class: Term: Year:
Please choose one.
Has the publisher ever sent you this exact
book before?
If the publisher will not send a complimentary copy:
Please order a copy through the Campus Cache's loan program. Loans are initially for 1
term but can be extended. Your department will be charged the shipping costs.
Please notify me. I will check with my department coordinator about purchasing a copy.
Additional Titles Requested - Please include Title, Edition, Publisher, Class and Term -
Preferences and delivery information will be duplicated from above.