Design Review Application Page 1 of 10 Updated 4/21/2020
Design Review Application
Application Process, Application Form and Submittal Checklist
To initiate the Design Review (DR) approval process, an applicant must first submit a Preliminary
Application (form available separately) to the Community Development Department’s Planning
Services Division (PSD). A meeting is scheduled upon receipt of a completed Preliminary Application
form and packet. At the meeting, the case planner will provide review comments regarding the
Preliminary Application material and will provide a Design Review Application and Checklist with
instructions on application type (major or minor) to be filed. If major DR, then the project may be
processed through the Design Review Panel or administratively. All DR applications are processed
Here are the steps to prepare and complete the DR Application form and packet:
Step 1: Submit a completed application form and packet per the submittal checklist starting on page
Step 2: Contact the assigned PSD case planner to schedule a meeting to submit the application
form and packet.
Step 3: Pay the required application fee at the SRPMIC Finance Department located at 10,061 East
Osborn Road, Building A - 1
Floor, Scottsdale, Arizona. See attached map on page 10.
Step 4: Meet with the PSD case planner to submit the application form, receipt and packet. Only
completed applications will be accepted.
Once the DR application is accepted, it will be reviewed by PSD and various SRPMIC departments.
The assigned case planner will conduct a review, gather all departmental comments and generate a
set of review comments. A letter with the list of review comments will be issued along with marked up
plans to the applicant. The applicant shall address all review comments prior to resubmitting plans
and provide a response letter addressing each comment. The staff review process may have to be
repeated until the project becomes satisfactory to SRPMIC.
The DRP will approve the application with or without stipulations, deny, or continue the request.
Currently, all major and minor DR project applications are processed administratively and require no
DRP meeting. After approval of the DR application, the applicant will be advised on the subsequent
steps towards final approval and building permit process.
Community Development Department
10,005 E. Osborn Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85256
Telephone: (480) 362-7600 Fax: (480) 362-7714
Design Review Application Page 2 of 10 Updated 4/21/2020
Design Review Application Form
For Staff Use
Received by:
Date Received:
Pre-app Case No. :
Check applicable box:
Major Design Review (Fee - $600)
Minor Design Review (Fee - $100)
Wireless Communications Facility - Check applicable fee below
o Type 1 and Type 2 WCF Fee - $200
o Type 3 and Type 4 WCF Fee - $600
Applicant Company Name:
Contact Person’s Name:
Mailing Address of Applicant:
Contact Phone Number:
Contact Email:
Project Name:
Project Address (Required):
Location Description of the Site (e.g. SWC of Pima and Thomas Road):
Proposed Use of the Site (e.g. Medical Office, Shopping Center, Day Care Facility, etc.):
Building Gross S.F.
footage- Net S.F.
Site Gross S.F.
Acreage -
Net S.F.
Name of master lessor, master lease number, and sublease number (if applicable):
Do you have copy of Environmental Clearance? (If yes, submit a copy.) Yes No
Current Zoning designation for this site:
Current General Plan designation or Overlay area
for this site:
Applicant Signature
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Staff use
Description of Documents Required for Complete Application.
Submit the documents per the checklist. Correctly date and label all documents.
1. Completed Application Form: Submit a completed DR application form. A project address
is required. To obtain an address for the project, submit a site legal description/survey
including building/structure location. Documents shall be submitted in PDF and AutoCad
(.DWG) file formats. The .DWG file shall be “Assigned” to the NAD 1983 Arizona State Plane
Central International Feet Coordinate System. You may contact Aaronn Mattingly, ECS GIS
Supervisor at 480-362-5708 with questions.
2. Fee Payment: The fee for a major DR application is $600. The fee for a minor DR
application is $100. Make payment to Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s
Finance Department located at 10,061 East Osborn Road, Building A - 1
Floor, Scottsdale,
Arizona 85256 to account XPS-10000-25-43800. Submit a copy of the completed application
form along with your payment. A receipt will be provided to you, which shall be submitted
along with the application and packet to the Planning Services Division.
3. Affidavit of Landowner Notification: Submit a signed and notarized affidavit verifying
notification of spokespeople within the master lease. Obtain spokespeople name and
address information from the master lessee.
4. SRPMIC Employment Preference Program: The proposed development’s Human
Resources or authorized representative shall contact the Russell Williams, Human
Resources Department’s Community Employment Compliance Program. His telephone
number is 480-362-6623 and his email address is
NOTE: Employers are expected to hire as many Community members and qualified Native
Americans as possible in these new positions, with a goal of at least 30% of the employer’s
new work force comprised of qualified Community members and other Native Americans.
Indicate below the name and date of contact with Mr. Williams:
5. Environmental Clearance: Submit a copy of Clearance Memo issued by CDD
Environmental Protection and Natural Resources (EPNR) Division. Note: Applicant shall
submit a Request for Environmental Review (RER) as soon as the project limits and off-site
requirements are fully understood. The applicant may submit for a construction permit using
the RER, however, no construction permit will be issued until the Clearance Memo is
completed. For more information, contact CDD/EPNR at 480-362-7500.
6. Development Fee: Submit a Non-Binding Development Fee Estimate Form and Fee
Calculation Worksheet. Contact Suzanne Colver, PSD at 480-362-7654/7600 regarding any
questions. See packet attachment materials.
7. Project Narrative: Submit a project narrative statement and/or presentation materials
demonstrating the project’s design intent and approach. The narrative shall include a
detailed description and supportive imagery of how the project integrates and reflects the
Pima and Maricopa cultural and traditional aspects.
8. Color/material board: 1 copy of an 8.5”x14” presentation board providing actual samples of
exterior materials (including glazing) noting manufacturer, name, and manufacturer’s ID
number. Also, provide 1 clear photo color copy of the board(s).
9. Color draw-downs: Provide one (1) set of draw-downs on an 8.5” x 11” sheet for each
proposed color. Drawdowns are a sample of what the paint color will look like once applied
to a building or structure.
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10. Legal Description and Survey Map: Submit a written legal description, on formal
letterhead, and survey map for the area covered both sealed by an Arizona registered
surveyor/engineer. Legal survey will include acreage of the overall subject area, breakout of
acreage and square footage by individual Salt River allotment(s). In addition to required
paper and .PDF copies, map shall be submitted in AutoCad (.DWG) format for
verification. The .DWG file shall be “Assigned” to the Salt River Coordinate System, or
alternatively the NAD 83 (2011) Arizona State Plane Central International Feet Coordinate
System. Contact Rick Klebieko, SRPMIC ECS Survey Manager with any questions related to
SRPMIC, BLM, or GLO monuments and boundary information at 480-362-7803.
11. Site Photos: Submit pictures of existing on-site and surrounding conditions, including any
buildings/structures, landscaping, etc. Number and reference the picture point locations on
the context plan or site plan.
12. Context Plan (24” x 36” size sheet), showing site, aerial map, adjacent properties, zoning
and land use within 300 feet of the site, Salt River allotment or tribal parcel number and
boundary, streets, right-of-way and north direction indicator. Note: This shows the big picture
and is different than the site plan.
13. Cultural Board (24” x 36” size sheet). This board outlines the project’s cultural design
narrative with full visual applications/illustrations of Pima and Maricopa cultural elements and
its integration into the proposed project’s site and building architectural design.
14. Site Plan (24” x 36” size sheet) drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40, showing
Project property boundary lines and adjacent improvement(s) and streets within 300 feet of
the site boundaries.
Salt River allotment and/or tribal parcel boundaries/number, Township, Range, Section and
Sheet Number.
Site dimensions, width and depth.
Project Data Summary Table to include:
o Zoning and General Plan designations.
o Existing and proposed use(s).
o Site size in square feet and acreage (gross and net).
o Total building square footage (gross and net).
o Floor Area Ratio (FAR) which is the total building square footage in relation to the total
site area.
o Number of parking spaces required and provided, and proposed method of screening
the parking lot (i.e. screen wall or landscaping/berming).
o Open space in square feet and percentage (overall site and parking).
Scale and north arrow.
All ground planes labeled, i.e. asphalt, concrete, decomposed granite, etc.
Legend to include all symbols and line work used.
Location and dimension of any existing and proposed easements including right-of-way for
public services or utilities contained within the project boundaries.
Indicate all land agreements (i.e. means of public access, on-site maintenance from
nearest approved right of way easement, utility corridors for private utilities, on-site
drainage, fire lanes, cross access to adjacent property (minimum 26-feet corridor), and
service line agreement(s).
Label all streets.
Proposed and required building and landscaping setbacks.
Dimension distance between buildings and property lines.
Dimension parking lot and spaces (standard and accessible).
Proposed location of sign(s).
On-site lighting locations.
Location of other site improvements such as walls, outside storage areas, refuse
container/area, fire hydrants, backflow preventers, transformer locations, light poles,
loading areas, etc.
Location of site amenities including patios, benches, tables and ramada/shade structures.
Physical features and contours. If applicable, indicate any existing irrigation ditches on or
adjacent to subject property.
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Phasing of construction (if applicable).
Registered Arizona Architect or Civil Engineer seal and signature is required.
15. Conceptual Master Plan, including Phasing Plan Master Plan may include phasing if
there are multiple projects. Water and Sewer Needs Reports and Master Drainage plans to
submitted with the conceptual master site plan.
16. Fire Plan (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40 (can be included on the Site
Plan), showing
Indicate dimension of designated emergency fire apparatus access. Access must be within
150 feet of all sides of the building.
50 feet x 50 feet staging area is required for multi-story buildings.
Access roadways shall be designed to support required fire apparatus load of 95,000 GVW
(gross vehicle weight) and maintain an all-weather driving surface.
Dimensioned locations for existing and proposed fire hydrants.
Fire Department Connections (FDC) locations and dimensions.
Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP).
Fire Riser Room location.
Identify all doors and exits for all proposed structures.
Turning radius of a fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum turning radius of 35 feet
inside and 55 feet outside for the required fire apparatus access road.
Indicate location of fire lanes. Fire lanes shall have minimum width of 26 feet.
Submit in AutoCad (.DWG) format for engineering review.
17. Building Code Information (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40 (can be
included on the Site Plan), showing
Types of construction.
Use and occupancy classification.
ADA accessible route of travel on site plan.
Estimated occupant load for intensive uses, such as restaurants, day care, etc.
Fire separation distance between buildings and parking canopies.
Floor area of each proposed building.
Total parking spaces provided and number of ADA spaces.
18. Vehicle/Pedestrian Circulation and Parking Plan (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20
or 1:40 , showing
Parking lot/area location and number of spaces provided/required, including number of
ADA parking spaces.
Driveways and curb cuts (gutters and sidewalks).
Interior traffic circulation pattern, using arrows to indicate flow of traffic.
Landscaped islands within the parking area.
Traffic access; driveway locations and widths.
Traffic visibility triangles.
Truck movement for solid waste service and delivery trucks throughout the site.
Turn radius for Fire Department access throughout site.
19. Hardscape Detail Plan Sheets (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40, showing
Hardscape details including paving, trash enclosure(s), raised planters, water features,
fences, walls, site furniture, and any other site amenities included within the project.
Indicate material, color and cultural pattern details of paved surfaces.
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20. Preliminary Landscape Plan (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40, showing
Location and identity of all proposed plants and landscape features to be planted within
project site and public right of way, if applicable.
A plant list table indicating each plant’s:
a. botanical name
b. common name
c. distinctive symbol
d. name abbreviation
e. quantity and size to be planted.
Landscape Area Data Table in square feet and percentage for the following:
Total area of landscape and base area (excluding parking lots and landscape
setback) plus # of trees (1 tree / 1500 sf)
Total area of landscape setback plus # of trees (1 tree /1000 sf)
Total area of ROW landscaping plus # of trees (1 tree/ 1000 sf)
Total shrubs (1/35 sf )
Total Saguaro’s (1/ 12,500 sf)
Total Ocotillos (1/6000 sf)
Parking Lot
o Total # parking spaces and number of trees within parking fields (1 Tree/ 5
o Total square footage of landscape area within parking fields plus # of shrubs (1
Shrub/25 sf)
Building Base Area
o Total area of building base area
o % base area landscaped
o % shade over pedestrian areas in base area
o Area of Entry transition treatment sf and % of building footprint area
Divide the landscape areas into sections and identify the plants in each section by plant
abbreviation and quantity. See the attached landscape exhibit as an example.
Location of other site improvements such as outside storage areas, refuse container/area,
fire hydrants, backflow preventers, transformer locations, light poles, loading areas, etc.
Location of amenities, open space, recreation facilities, screen walls, entry features and
water features.
Provisions for plant maintenance and irrigation.
If phased development, indicate method of dust control for vacant land.
21. Landscaping and Open Space Calculation Plan
Site plan showing area calculations of open space area(s). Include square footage and
percentage building, parking lot, parking lot landscaping, and open space totaling site area.
22. Landscaping Inventory/Salvage Plan (if applicable if none exist, notate that
Grading and drainage plan showing all existing features with proposed and existing
landscape plan.
Indicate total number and percentage of existing plant material, and salvageable and non-
salvageable plant material.
23. Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40,
Existing and proposed site drainage, consisting of pipes, catch basins, etc.
Existing land contour lines and physical features depicting berms and washes.
Retention area with depth and capacity calculations.
Slopes and height of any berming.
Floodplain limits and floodways, include FEMA FIRM information.
Grades of immediate adjacent property.
Site grading with finished floor elevations, spot elevations and flow arrows.
Indicate outfall location and elevation.
Location and height of all retaining walls top of footing and top of wall elevations, if used.
Cross section at edge of site showing on-site grades and off-site grades.
Provide off-site drainage report, if applicable.
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Registered Arizona Civil Engineer seal and signature is required.
Add blue stake logo(s).
24. Floor Plan (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40, showing
Include existing and proposed floor layouts with dimensions and area.
Floor Area Summary Table - List and summarize existing and proposed square footage of
all on-site structures and their individual components (i.e. finished basement, first floor,
second floor, garage, accessory structure(s), etc.).
Label the use of all rooms on the plans, with the dimensions of the room and the overall
dimensions of building(s).
Identify service areas.
Exterior walls and interior partitions.
Windows and other wall openings.
Doors and door swings.
Stairs and elevations.
Registered Arizona Architect seal and signature is required.
Submit in AutoCad (.DWG) format for engineering review.
25. Black/white Elevations/Renderings (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40,
showing all four sides of all proposed buildings and/or structures, without landscaping.
Indicate all building heights and lengths. Heights to be measured from the highest point of
the roof/parapet to the finished grade.
Indicate exterior materials and colors to be used, including roofing, siding, and windows.
Indicate location, dimensions, materials and colors (including reflectivity) of principal façade
elements windows, walls, doors, etc.
Outline of height and location of rooftop mechanical equipment with a dashed line beyond
the parapet wall.
Location, height, and type of exterior wall lighting fixtures proposed. Submit product
specification cut sheets.
Existing and proposed sign band/sign location.
Screening walls for refuse collection, parking and other uses.
Shade and/or parking canopies, if any.
Refuse enclosures and gates, including height, materials and colors.
Registered Arizona Architect seal and signature is required.
26. Colored Elevations/Renderings (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40, showing
all four sides of all proposed buildings and/or structures, without landscaping and blue sky.
Same as 25 above. Black/white Elevations submittal requirement above.
Registered Arizona Architect seal and signature is required.
27. Building Perspectives (24”x36”) sheet, showing three dimensional renderings of
28. Roof Plan (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40, showing
Roof color.
Proposed mechanical equipment and screening.
Indicate slope of roof and drainage direction.
Externally mounted fixtures and equipment, including lighting, cameras, etc.
29. Lighting Plan (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40, showing
Site photometric plan showing foot candle levels uniformity across the site all the way to
the perimeter. Use a 10’ x 10’ maximum grid.
Lighting cut sheets for all exterior lighting, including wall mounted and parking lot lights
detailing specific fixture, bulb type and output proposed. Cut sheets shall be placed on 24”
x 36” plan sheets
Lighting pole height and color.
A Table showing:
a. The total maintained maintenance (light loss) factor utilized, which shall be shall not be
below 0.70.
b. The maximum and the average light level of the illuminated areas of the site (the
average shall exclude any 0.0 readings or readings that are off the site.)
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c. The min/max and max/average ratios for different areas of the site.
Each Plan shall only include one horizontal reading across the entire site. Only the building
footprint shall masked out from the reading. (Acceptable additional horizontal reading grids
may be: gas station canopies, ATM drive-thrus, walk-up ATMs, and parking garage
entries/exits. When separate grids are utilized on the same plan, a separate grid symbol
(example: %) must be utilized, and a separate maintained maximum, minimum, average
illuminance shall be provide for the grid.
Submit in AutoCad (.DWG) format for engineering review.
30. Utilities on Site Plan or Utility Plan (24” x 36”) sheet drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40,
Existing utilities: water, sewer, electricity, telephone lines, and cables.
Extension of existing utility lines.
New utility connections.
Add Location of Electrical Transformers.
Submit in AutoCad (.DWG) format for engineering review.
Documents/Plans as required by the Planning Services Division:
31. Detail Plan Sheets to accompany details to site plan, elevations, etc.
32. Site Plan Worksheet for Open Space, Base Landscaping and Basic Requirements
Sample worksheet attached to the application materials.
33. Solar Study - Proper shading of windows is based on conditions at noon on June 21
, when
the angle to the solar azimuth is approximately 76 degrees. The horizontal offset to the south
is a minimum of ¼ foot per 1 foot of vertical distance to the edge of the shading device.
34. Site line drawing (include a line beneath to include a description)
35. Cross-section drawing (include a line beneath to include a description)
36. Context Drawing - Adjacent building elevations in context with proposed.
37. If project is within the Pima Corridor, a view plane will need to be established. See
Section 5.4.3.A and 5.4.3.B of the Zoning Code, page 86-87.
38. Drainage Report or Drainage Statement.
39. Traffic Report/Statement, Traffic Impact Analysis or Traffic Impact Mitigation Report.
40. Water/Sewer Needs Report/Plan
41. Geotechnical Report
42. Design Guidelines - Submit design guidelines for master planned projects.
43. Comprehensive Sign Plan Submit a completed comprehensive sign plan booklet for
review and approval. Refer to separate Checklist for submittal requirements.
44. DR approved plans (11”x17”-size is acceptable)
45. Submit lease, easements, service line agreements, dedications, abandonments,
permits, and variance information (if available).
46. Submit cross-access agreements. Submit a draft of the agreement (ex: cross access to
adjacent or landlocked property) to be reviewed and approved by the Community. Once
agreement is approved, it shall be recorded with Maricopa County.
47. Land Title Document
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48. Construction Staging Area Applicant/Developer solely responsible to identify and secure
a location for any construction staging needs.
49. For tribal projects only: Submit written documentation from the Public Works Department
that the plans have received their approval.
50. Written Response to Preliminary Application Comments Submit a written response to
staff review comments issued during Preliminary Application and prior applicant submittals.
51. Resubmit redlined drawings, if applicable.
52. Other:
Submit the following:
1. One (1) copy of the completed Design Review application.
2. One (1) copy of the fee payment receipt provided by the SRPMIC Finance Department.
3. One (1) copy of the Affidavit of Landowner Notification shall be on 8.5” X 11” letter head.
4. Two (2) copies of the narrative, plans, and required studies.
a. Narrative shall be on letter head, 8.5”x11” sheet(s).
b. All plans and renderings shall be provided on 24”x36” plan sheets.
i. All plans shall include appropriate scales, north arrow, revision date, and right title block.
Plans shall be signed and sealed by registered Arizona architect and/or engineer as
indicated in checklist.
ii. Fold each 24”x36” plan sheet to 9”x12” (maximum) size with title block showing.
c. Required studies shall be printed and bound in 8.5” X 11” booklet or as required.
5. One (1) copy of the plans shall be provided on 11”x17” sheets.
a. All plans shall include appropriate scales, north arrow, revision date, and right title block.
Plans shall be signed and sealed by registered Arizona architect and/or engineer as indicated in
b. Fold each 11”x17” plan sheet to 8.5”x11” (maximum) with title block showing.
6. One (1) copy of 8.5”x14” size board(s) with samples of colors and materials, and one (1)
photographic copy of the color and material board on to 11”x17”.
7. One (1) copy of 8.5”x11” size draw-downs of each color proposed for the project.
8. One (1) copy of 11”x17” and one (1) copy of 24”x36” size three-dimensional renderings of building
perspectives to be submitted for review.
9. One (1) compact disc (CD) containing a .PDF version of the completed application and all required
submittal items.
10. One (1) compact disc (CD) containing a Georeferenced AutoCad (.DWG) file of plans, identified as a
required submittal in .DWG file format in the checklist above. The .DWG file shall be “Assigned” to the
NAD 1983 (2011) Arizona State Plane Central International Coordinate System. Contact Rick
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Klebieko, SRPMIC ECS Survey Manager with any questions related to Community, BLM, or GLO
monuments and boundary information at 480-362-7803.
Note: The minimum scale for all 24” x 36” plans shall be 1” = 40’, unless otherwise approved. Indicate the date,
graphic scale and north arrow on all drawings. For larger projects, provide overall key map, maximum scale
acceptable is 1”=100’.
1. Non-binding Fee Form
2. Fee Calculation Worksheet
3. Site/Landscape Plan Worksheets
4. Landscape Plan Example
5. DR Application Process Flow Chart
Location Map of SRPMIC Finance Department