10. Legal Description and Survey Map: Submit a written legal description, on formal
letterhead, and survey map for the area covered both sealed by an Arizona registered
surveyor/engineer. Legal survey will include acreage of the overall subject area, breakout of
acreage and square footage by individual Salt River allotment(s). In addition to required
paper and .PDF copies, map shall be submitted in AutoCad (.DWG) format for
verification. The .DWG file shall be “Assigned” to the Salt River Coordinate System, or
alternatively the NAD 83 (2011) Arizona State Plane Central International Feet Coordinate
System. Contact Rick Klebieko, SRPMIC ECS Survey Manager with any questions related to
SRPMIC, BLM, or GLO monuments and boundary information at 480-362-7803.
12. Context Plan (24” x 36” size sheet), showing site, aerial map, adjacent properties, zoning
and land use within 300 feet of the site, Salt River allotment or tribal parcel number and
boundary, streets, right-of-way and north direction indicator. Note: This shows the big picture
and is different than the site plan.
14. Site Plan (24” x 36” size sheet) drawn to scale 1:20 or 1:40, showing
Project property boundary lines and adjacent improvement(s) and streets within 300 feet of
the site boundaries.
Salt River allotment and/or tribal parcel boundaries/number, Township, Range, Section and
Sheet Number.
Site dimensions, width and depth.
Project Data Summary Table to include:
o Zoning and General Plan designations.
o Existing and proposed use(s).
o Site size in square feet and acreage (gross and net).
o Total building square footage (gross and net).
o Floor Area Ratio (FAR) which is the total building square footage in relation to the total
site area.
o Number of parking spaces required and provided, and proposed method of screening
the parking lot (i.e. screen wall or landscaping/berming).
o Open space in square feet and percentage (overall site and parking).
Scale and north arrow.
All ground planes labeled, i.e. asphalt, concrete, decomposed granite, etc.
Legend to include all symbols and line work used.
Location and dimension of any existing and proposed easements including right-of-way for
public services or utilities contained within the project boundaries.
Indicate all land agreements (i.e. means of public access, on-site maintenance from
nearest approved right of way easement, utility corridors for private utilities, on-site
drainage, fire lanes, cross access to adjacent property (minimum 26-feet corridor), and
service line agreement(s).
Label all streets.
Proposed and required building and landscaping setbacks.
Dimension distance between buildings and property lines.
Dimension parking lot and spaces (standard and accessible).
Proposed location of sign(s).
On-site lighting locations.
Location of other site improvements such as walls, outside storage areas, refuse
container/area, fire hydrants, backflow preventers, transformer locations, light poles,
loading areas, etc.
Location of site amenities including patios, benches, tables and ramada/shade structures.
Physical features and contours. If applicable, indicate any existing irrigation ditches on or
adjacent to subject property.