I:\Document Master\Master Forms\DDC05.08.06.doc
For Internal Use Only: Plan Year 1 Plan Year 2
(If all the information is completed on this claim form, no additional documentation is required.)
EMPLOYEE:___________________________________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY #_________________
EMPLOYER: __________________________________________________ Email:_______________________________
HOME ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Please X if new address Street/Apt No. City State
HOME PHONE:_________________________________________ WORK PHONE:______________________
DAY CARE PROVIDED FOR:_____________________________________________________________________________
This is to certify that I have incurred Dependent Day Care expenses in the amount of ___________________
for the period beginning____________________________and ending_______________________________.
Signature of Day Care Provider:_______________________________________________________________________________
Federal Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number of Day Care Provider:________________________________
Address of Day Care Provider:________________________________________________________________________________
Please attach receipts to document the above information only if this form is not signed by the provider.
REMEMBER to retain a copy of this claim form for your records
CERTIFICATION: I certify the expenses on this Claim Form:
are accurate and true
are for a person covered under this Plan
are eligible expenses which have not been previously reimbursed under this or any other benefit plan
will not be claimed for an income tax credit.
Employee Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:_______________________________
Benefit Resources, Inc.
4775 E. 91st Street, Suite 100 Tulsa, OK 74137-2805
Phone: (918) 481-6161 1 (800) 339-7493
Fax: (918) 481-6181 · 1-(866) 364-7052
You may email scanned claims to: claims@britulsa.com