Form VACS (Continuing Student- Revised March 2015)
No actual work is accepted. Submit
portfolio electronically or by mail on a
CD-ROM or jump drive by dates listed Power Point format for presentation
All portfolios must be in PowerPoint
format. Individuals unable to submit
work in PP format must present saved
image and information in either PDF or
JPEG files with a file size no
large than 2.5 MB.
Include an inventory listing of works
in the order of appearance. (Form is
Students portfolio may include both 2-D and 3-D work. 2-D work must be represented in one image (one extra
detail image is acceptable). 3-D work must be represented in two images (three extra detail images are
acceptable). Detail image must be noted in PowerPoint and on inventory list. Portfolio must consist of ten (10)
works created over the past twelve (12) months. Works can be projects from classes or work created on your
own. Please double check that your CD is readable. The Department will not contact students for
resubmission. CD’s will NOT be returned.
I, , do hereby give the Alabama State University Department of
Visual Arts my consent to secure and/or receive any information necessary and appertaining to the processing of this
scholarship application. This includes but is not limited to my academic records, financial aid records, and statements
(written and oral) concerning my status, activity, and matriculation at my high school, Alabama State University, and any
other colleges or universities I have attended. I shall hold blameless the ASU Department of Visual Arts, Alabama State
University, its employees, faculty members, etc. and understand that this application DOES NOT obligate the Visual Arts
Individual Scholarship Program nor any entity of Alabama State University to award me a scholarship in any amount nor
for any period of time. Any scholarship awarded is always contingent upon continued budget allocations.
Please DO NOT depend on this scholarship to fulfill your educational or personal financial obligations. Unless
and until you are notified in writing that you are a scholarship recipient, the ASU Department of Visual Art has,
nor implies any level of financial support to scholarship applicants.
I understand that if funds become unavailable through the Visual Arts Continuing Students Scholarship Program,
I will be notified immediately so that I can make other arrangements to cover my tuition and fees at Alabama
State University.
Once your application is received, consideration will be given in a timely fashion. You will be notified, in
writing, of your status within 6 to 8 weeks after the May 1
deadline and receipt of your completed application,
including all reference letters and the typed statement referred to above.
Prior to submitting this application, please review all items to insure accuracy. By signing below, you confirm
that the information included on this document and attached is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
Any false information will result in automatic denial of scholarship award and reporting to the appropriate
concerned parties.
I further understand and agree that if I fail to uphold my commitment in any area, I will be at risk of immediate
revocation of this scholarship award and, if warranted, will result in my ineligibility for future awards from this
scholarship Program
#1 Billy Student
“Perspective Study”