Department of Inspection and Standards
Jorge O. Elorza, Mayor
Joseph M. Atchue, Director/Building Official
Mayor Joseph A. Doorley Municipal Building
444 Westminster Street | Providence, Rhode Island 02903 | 401-680-5360 | 401-680-5481f
To: Department of Inspections and Standards
Date: _________________________
I , owner of
(Print Name) (Property Address)
hereby release RI Registration #
(Contractor Name)
from performance of any work in conjunction with Building Permit #:
As covered in Section 23-27.3-115.5 of Rhode Island General Laws Dismissal of Contractor or
Subcontractor, I must furnish the Building Official with the name, address and registration number of the
new contractor, along with any changes or amendments to the original scope of work.
New Contractor:
RI Registration #: Expiration Date:
City, State, Zip:
Owner Phone:
Owner’s Signature Date
click to sign
click to edit