Department of
Health and Social Services
Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
3601 C Street, Suite 722
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Main: 907.269.2020
Fax: 907.269.5446
Data Use Agreement
The Alaska Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDPHP) places the following
conditions on the acceptance and use of (dataset/program name) data collected
and maintained by CDPHP:
(primary applicant name) located in
(organization/agency name) (Recipient) will have access to the data for
public health purposes or for research as defined on the attached data request. If individuals with access to
the data change due to staffing transitions or changes in employment status, CDPHP will be notified and
new contact information will be provided. Other persons may have access to the data only for technical
support and with prior approval from CDPHP.
Initial each item (primary applicant only).
“Ownership” of the data set remains with CDPHP. Under Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act of 1996 (HIPAA), the individual or patient is the owner of his/her data; all others have limited rights of
use. When the proposed analyses are completed, all copies of these data will be destroyed (confirmed in
writing), or returned to CDPHP. If return or destruction is not feasible, Recipient must explicitly state this in
the Data Use Agreement (DUA) to extend protections required in this DUA to that data as long as Recipient
is in possession of it, and notify CDPHP in writing.
Recipient shall use appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure other than as provided in this
DUA, including complying with HIPAA.
Recipient may not release data obtained--in whole or part--to any person other than those listed in this
DUA without the express written permission of the CDPHP Deputy Section Chief. Recipient shall include a
disclaimer that expressly credits any analyses, interpretations, or conclusions reached to the author(s) and
not to CDPHP, unless prior authorization has been obtained, in all publications, presentations, and
communications that refer to data defined by this DUA.
Recipient shall protect the identity of individuals whose information is in the dataset. (Although names
may not be provided, in some communities, the dates, age, sex, race and place may be sufficient to identify
an individual.) Recipient may not use the identity of a person discovered inadvertently.
Recipient shall immediately disclose to CDPHP any use or disclosure not provided for in this DUA which
it becomes aware of. Recipient shall cooperate with CDPHP in responding to and mitigating any
unauthorized use or disclosure.
The Recipient and any associate with access to the data set for analysis purposes acceptable as part of
this data request shall submit to the CDPHP Deputy Section Chief a signed DUA. If it is not feasible for all
members of the research team to sign, the Primary Applicant listed on the DUA is responsible for ensuring all
members of the team respect and follow the conditions as outlined in the DUA, and they must initial a
statement acknowledging they accept this responsibility. If a need exists to utilize the data past the end date
indicated on the Data Request, a new DUA must be signed.