Department of Grant Compliance and Administration
Justification/Documentation of Allowable Use of ESSER Funds
Name and Title of Authorized Official
Signature of Authorized Official and Date
Statutory Intent
Reasonable and Necessary
Describe the activity to be paid with ESSER funds.
CDNName of Grantee
Complete this form to document the expenditure of ESSER funds on an allowable activity that meets the intent and purpose of the ESSER
grants. As defined by the US Department of Education, the intent and purpose of the ESSER grants is to prevent, prepare for, or respond to
the COVID-19 pandemic, including its impact on the social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs of students.
The activity documented with this form may be funded with any ESSER grant funds (ESSER I, II, III, or a combination of those). One activity
may be documented per form.
Maintain this document at the local level for audit and monitoring purposes. Do not submit this form to TEA unless the agency
specifically requests it as part of the compliance review process.
Check the appropriate box(es) to indicate the fund(s) that will be used to pay for the activity:
ESSER I funds will be used. ESSER III funds will be used.ESSER II funds will be used.
Statutorily Allowable Use
Per USDE, ESSER funds may be expended for any statutorily allowable activity under any of the three statutes. For each box checked
above (ESSER I, II, or III), list the statutorily allowable activity that your expenditure aligns with.
Describe how the activity meets the grant program's intent (listed above).
For each box checked above (ESSER I, II, or III), describe how the activity is reasonable and necessary.
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