Inspection Checklist
Pre-Demolition Inspection Requirements: The following items must be inspected before
demolition work may begin.
Address visible.
All utilities disconnected.
Sanitary sewer service exposed and capped.
on septic system require pumping, removal, and
Trees protected from damage.
Protect existing sidewalk; document existing damage.
Waste removal container placed on site
Determine whether erosion control measures will be required. Install erosion control features as
Permit posted on site.
permit is more than 7 days old, portable sanitation required on-site.
part of Urban Renewal, Asbestos Report Required.
Demolition Final Inspection Requirements: The following items must be completed in order to pass
the final inspection.
All debris and construction materials removed from site.
Footing and foundation materials removed and backfilled.
City streets and sidewalks clean and inspected for damage.
The finished lot graded smooth for future maintenance and care.
The disturbed area shall be re-vegetated in accordance with Section 169.06(F)(4) of the Unified
Development Code as summarized below:
Topsoil. A minimum of 4 inches of topsoil shall be required to be either existing or
installed in areas to be re-vegetated.
Zero to 10% grade: Re-vegetation shall be a minimum of seeding and mulching.
10:1 up to 4:1 grade: Re-vegetation shall be a minimum of hydro-seeding with mulch and
fertilizer, sod, or groundcover.
4:1 to 3:1 grade: The slope shall be covered with landscape fabric and hydro-seeded with
mulch and fertilizer, or staked sod, or groundcover.
More than 3:1 grade: Any finish grade over 3:1 shall be require a separate grading plan
approved by the engineering division
All tree fencing protection removed.
Provide proof that the septic system has been removed and excavation backfilled.
Erosion control devices removed.
The applicant is responsible for contacting the Building Safety Division at
479.575.8233 to schedule the inspections stipulated above.
Revision Date 05/15/2018