Delaware County Green Space Task Force
January 2021
Confidential Application for the Delaware County Green Space Task Force
Term to Begin: February 2021
We are honored that you are interested in serving as a Delaware County Task Force member. With our
goal of serving the public and protecting our Green Spaces, we seek a broad-based 11-member Task
Force that is a diverse group as defined by race, ethnicity, gender, age, geographic location, and skill set.
The task force must represent the fabric of our communities and the wide range of constituencies that
we serve. The Task Force will guide Delaware County’s policy direction in an effort to ensure that we
accomplish our mission related to the County’s Green Space, Recreation and Greenways Plan, municipal
plans for Green Space and Delaware -Count based organizations dedicated to Green Space conservation.
Thank you for considering Green Space Task Force involvement and for the personal time and energy
that you will be putting into this important aspect of achieving the vision of conserving Green Space in a
way that shapes the character of our county.
All interested parties should carefully review the full description of the duties of a Task
Force member to self-assess their qualifications and their realistic view of the time commitment
that Task Force service will require.
STEP 2: Please directly download this PDF application form to your computer, complete in full,
save, and send as an attachment to DelcoBoards@co.delaware.pa.us no later than 5:00 P.M.
Day, February 1, 2021. Late applications will, unfortunately, not be considered.
STEP 3: The Nominating Committee consisting of representatives of County Council, the
Planning Department and Toole Recreation Planning will carefully review and assess all
6081 Honey Hollow Road Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18902
anntoole@comcast.net | 267-261-7989