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LONOR-RED Review Checklist
Justifications are
Required if: N or N/A
Title & Data Blocks
Ensure the title and data blocks contains the following information:
1. Name of proposed development.
2. Name of town/hundred and county.
3. Maintenance number of highway being accessed.
4. Graphic scale shown.
5. Date of current submission and all revised dates.
6. Name, address, and telephone number of engineer or surveyor
preparing the plan.
7. Name and address of owner.
8. Signature and Seal of engineer or surveyor (Delaware licensed)
(Final Plan only).
9. Owner's signature (Final Plan only).
10. Gross acreage of property.
11. Zoning.
12. Present use.
13. Sewer provider.
14. Water provider.
15. Tax parcel number.
16. Total number of lots - existing and proposed.
17. Investment level area.
18. List the TID in which the project is located (if applicable).
19. Horizontal and Vertical Datum's should be referenced.
Existing Features
Ensure the following are shown on the plans as required by figures
3.4.2-b through 3.4.2-d:
1. Existing entrances showing dimensions, locations, and spacing
on each side of the entrance and on each side of the road.
2. Identification of existing and proposed land uses adjacent to and
opposite the site.
3. Shoulders.
4. Sidewalks, shared-use paths & accessways.
5. Existing rights-of-way, easements, and reservations.
6. Drainage features including inlets and pipes under entrances.
7. Transit facilities including public transit and school bus stops.
8. Buildings and other structures.
Proposed Features
Ensure the following proposed features are shown on the plan:
1. Label any necessary right-of-way or easement dedication or
2. New street names (if applicable).
3. New street right-of-way widths (if applicable).
4. Future interconnection note (if applicable).
5. Dimensions of relevant physical features (i.e. proposed road
striping and edges of pavement).
6. Existing and proposed cross-access easements (if applicable).
DelDOT: LONOR-RED Review Checklist
Project Id.: __________
Project Name: _______________________________________________________
Tax Parcel No.: _______________________________________
Date: ________
(Lowest Numerical Tax Parcel I.D.)
Effective: 06/17/2020