Commercial Record Plan Checklist
Proposed Features
Add the following proposed features to the plan:
1. Proposed land uses.
2. Proposed entrance locations.
3. Label any necessary right-of-way or easement dedication or reservation.
4. New street names (if applicable).
5. New street right-of-way widths (if applicable).
6. Future interconnection note (if applicable).
7. Dimensions of relevant physical features.
8. Existing and proposed cross-access easements (if applicable).
DCM Ref:
Update the General Notes per the latest available on DelDOT's Doing Business webpage.
DCM Ref:
Update the portion of the General Notes stating if the subdivision streets will be State Maintained, Privately Maintained, or Town Maintained
per the latest notes available on DelDOT's Development Coordination webpage.
DCM Ref:
Provide a Traffic Generation Diagram (similar to Fig. 3.4.2-a)
DCM Ref:
1. Update the Traffic Generation Totals based on the latest ITE Manual
2. Change the truck percentage for the site to XXX% in the Traffic Generation Diagram DCM Ref:
3. The existing and buildout volumes for the site are as follows: XXX DCM Ref:
4. The existing and projected (10-year) directional distribution volumes for the site are as follows: XXX DCM Ref:
5. The posted speed limit on XXX Road is XXX mph. Update the Traffic Generation Diagram DCM Ref:
6. Use a XXX design vehicle for the entrance. Update the Traffic Generation Diagram and provide turning movement diagrams.
DCM Ref:
Provide a legend of all line-types and symbols used on plan views. Including, but not limited to: << existing and proposed right-of-way,
proposed property lines, proposed lot numbers, existing wood line, existing contours, wetlands line, 100-year floodplain line, easement line,
drainage easement line, minimum building setback line, existing and proposed monuments and pins >>.
DCM Ref: 4.3.2.K
Add a north arrow, with correct orientation to the plan view on this/these sheet(s).
DCM Ref:4.3.2.H
The minimum distance between the entrance radius and the property line shall be 5 feet.
DCM Ref: 5.2.2.F
The entrances should not be located within the functional area of a nearby intersection or driveway.
DCM Ref: 5.2.2.A
Provide drainage easements on all drainage facilities that convey or receive runoff from right-of-way. Label and dimension all drainage
easements on all plans.
DCM Ref:
Drainage easements are shown less than 20 feet wide. Per DelDOT's Development Coordination Manual, all drainage easements must be a
minimum of 20 feet wide for underground drainage facilities or the width equal to the width of open drainage facilities plus 5 feet on one side
and 10 feet on the opposite side of the facility.
DCM Ref:
A note which includes the following language should be added to the plan:
“A(n) X-foot wide permanent easement containing X square feet is hereby established for the State of Delaware as per this plat, for emergency
access to drainage facilities conveying runoff from State maintained roads and/or rights-of-way. The portions of the drainage easement and
system that are upstream or offsite as well as sections that are not directly collecting and conveying the drainage runoff of the proposed State
maintained roads and/or rights-of-way shall be the responsibility of the developer, property owners, or both. The State of Delaware assumes
no responsibility for the future maintenance of any exempted portions of the storm drain system and/or drainage easements.”
DCM Ref:
Adjust the stormwater facility to provide a minimum of 20 feet from the State right-of-way as measured from the top of slope of the facility.
DCM Ref: 3.8
XXX Road is classified as a local road and requires 30 feet from the centerline. If the current right-of-way width is less than required, a
dedication should be shown on the subdivision plan. The dedication should be labeled on the plan as:
“A(n) X-foot wide strip of right-of-way, from centerline of physical roadway, is hereby Dedicated to the State of Delaware as per this plat.”
DCM Ref:
XXX Road is classified as a major / minor collector or undivided, single lane minor arterial and requires 40 feet from the centerline. If the
current right-of-way width is less than required, a dedication should be shown on the subdivision plan. The dedication should be labeled on
the plan as:
“A(n) X-foot wide strip of right-of-way, from centerline of physical roadway, is hereby Dedicated to the State of Delaware as per this plat.”
DCM Ref: