2400 Gillionville Road
Ram Central, C Building
Albany, GA 31707
Office (229) 500 - 4358
Fax (229) 500 - 4946
Office of the Registrar
When do you expect to graduate? Fee deadline is in parenthesis.
( ) Spring 20_____ (April 1
) ( ) Summer 20_____ (July 30
) ( ) Fall 20_____ (October 1
Ram ID: 900-_____________________________
Legal Name as it appears on your ASU Campus records:
Last Name First Name Middle
Mailing Address
Street Number Street Name Apartment #
_____________________________________________________ _________________________
City State Zip Code Phone Number
Address where diploma is to be mailed if different from mailing address above.
Street Number Street Name Apartment #
Revised: 4/2019 Office of the Registrar
State Zip Code
The completed application must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar at least 2 semesters prior to the term you expect
to graduate.
The Office of the Registrar will contact the advisor and prepare the official graduation audit for the student via email. Once
you receive it, please review it carefully. If you have any questions, contact your advisor or departmenta l chairperson
immediately. Do not wait until your expected semester of graduation to resolve any outstanding problems.
Each student must update name and/or address if a change occurs on this form has been submitted. A source document is
required such as a valid driver’s license, marriage license, or court order to change your name.
If you are receiving more than one degree, a separate application is required.
A representative from our graduation products vendor will be available to assist you with your Cap & Gown, Personalized
Announcements, and any other commencement items that you may need. Orders are taken during the Fall (Oct) and Sprin g
(Feb) Semester. The dates and times will be posted to www.asurams.edu
View website for more information regarding commencement. It is important to check your ASU email account fo r
commencement information.
Revised: 4/2019 Office of the Registrar
Circle the one that applies to your degree:
Graduate (Specialist or Master’s) Bachelors of Arts Bachelors of Science
Associate of Applied Science Associate of Arts Associate of Science
Major: ______________________________________ Concentration (if applicable) ________________________
Minor: ______________________________________
If you are receiving more than one degree, a separate application is required for each degree.
Are you walking in the graduation ceremony? YES NO
If yes, we need the following information: Height _____________________ Weight ___________________
I understand that I am responsible for the $75.00 graduation fee and that it also due by the graduation application
deadline. This fee does not cover any honor cords, stoles or hood. I further understand that the fee is due and
payable even if I am not participating in the graduation exercise and that no diploma will be released without the
payment of this fee. If the student does not graduate, the fee will carry over for one academic semester.
_________________________________________________ ____________________________
Applicant Signature Date
Office Use Only: Date fee paid: ________________________ Receipt #____________ Initials_______________
Degree mailed: _______________________ Initials: __________________________________
2400 Gillionville Road
Ram Central, C Building
Albany, GA 31707
Office (229) 500 - 4358
Fax (229) 500 - 4946