CA1 (Rev. 07/10)
Condition 3: Kennels
Page 11 of the Defra guidance on the Regulations explains in more detail when kennels must be provided, and the
required kennel standards.
Have you kennels in place that meet the standards required by the Regulations? .........................
If not, when do you anticipate you will have sufficient, suitable kennels ready?
Condition 4: Identification of Greyhounds
Page 13 of the Defra guidance on the Regulations explains in more detail the identification requirements of
the Regulations.
Are all the greyhounds taking part in a race or trial identified in accordance
with the Regulations? .................................................................................................................. Yes
If not, when do you anticipate all greyhounds racing at your track will be so identified?
Condition 5: Record of Greyhounds taking part on races or trials
Page 14 of the Defra guidance on the Regulations explains the Greyhound record keeping requirements of
the Regulations.
Do you keep appropriate records of greyhounds that run at your track as well as records
of the greyhounds owners and trainers as required by the Regulations? ....................................... Yes
If not, when do you anticipate the procedures for keeping the appropriate records will be in place?
Condition 6: Injury Records
Page 16 of the Defra guidance on the Regulations explains the injury record keeping requirements of
the Regulations.
Do you keep appropriate records of any greyhounds that are injured while running at
your track as required by the Regulations? ................................................................................... Yes
If not, when do you anticipate the procedures for keeping the appropriate injury records will be in place?
Once this application form has been completed please send it to your local authority or if you are unsure of your
local authority you can send it to Defra at animalwelfare@defra.gsi.gov.uk (or post it to the address at the top of
this form) and it will then be forwarded to the appropriate local authority.