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Declaration of+ Major
From Undecided+ to+ a+ Declared+ Major
Name: Student ID #: Date:
Complete the information below and submit this form to the appropriate Academic Department
Assistant or Chair for processing.
If you are declaring a double major or adding a minor at the same time, complete the
appropriate form(s) and submit with this form.
If major is general studies, liberal arts or interdisciplinary studies, select one degree:
If major has a concentration or track, please enter (required for English and health sciences majors):
If this major is part of a combined program with a graduate program at Sacred Heart, enter
planned graduate program:
Return completed form to major academic department.
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________________
Major Department Chair Signature: _________________________________________________________
Present Advisor’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________
Major Advisor Signature: _________________________________________________________________
***For Academic Department use only
Declared Major:
New academic program added
New Advisor Assigned
Previous Advisor ended (For Sophomore, Juniors Seniors only. If student is a freshman, leave previous advisor active)
Previous academic program ended
If student is also submitting a double major at this time, forward the form to the appropriate department. Minor
declarations may be sent to the Registrar’s Office.
click to sign
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click to sign
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click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
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