Declaration for Interest Free Status Last revised August 2018
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Declaration for Interest Free Status
for Alberta Student Loans
for a Step Parent on Parental Leave
Advanced Education is collecting this personal information under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
Act (Alberta) to determine and verify your eligibility for parental leave interest free status for Alberta Student Loans as a person who is responsible for the
care of a child(ren) but is not the biological parent, adoptive parent or legal guardian in accordance with the Student Financial Assistance Act (Alberta)
as may be amended from time to time. The use and disclosure of your personal information is managed in accordance with the Freedom of Information
and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta). If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this information, call the Alberta Student Aid
Service Centre toll free at 1-855-606-2096 from anywhere in North America. You can also mail your questions to the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre,
PO Box 4050, Mississauga Stn A, Mississauga ON L5A 4M9.
“Alberta Student Loan” collectively means all loans made to the Student from time to time pursuant to the Students Finance Act (Alberta), the Student
Loan Act (Alberta) and the Student Financial Assistance Act (Alberta), and any regulations made under these Acts, each as may be amended from time
to time (“Alberta Student Finance Acts”), including loans made to the Student by the Minister, loans made to the Student by a nancing institution and
transferred to the Minister, loans made while the Student was a minor, and also including any grant overpayments converted to a loan by the Minister
under the Alberta Student Finance Acts.
Complete the Declaration if, within the last 12 months:
• you have taken a break from full-time or part-time post-secondary studies;
• you are responsible for the care or support of a child(ren);
• you are not the biological parent, adoptive parent, or legal guardian of the child(ren) and you do not have a legal document evidencing your
responsibility for the child(ren); and
• you want to apply for interest free status for your Alberta Student Loans as a person on parental leave.
To complete a fillable form: 1. Save to your desktop. 2. Complete form. 3. Save nal. Check, then submit. Never complete in a browser.
Send the original Declaration to:
Alberta Student Aid Service Centre, PO Box 4050, Mississauga STN A, Mississauga ON L5M 4M9
Declaration – Step Parent on Parental Leave
I, ______________________________________________________________________________of ______________________________________
in the Province/State of ___________________________________, declare that I am responsible for the care of or support of the
following child(ren) who is/are a new addition to my family within the past 12 months (add an additional sheet to this Declaration
if required),
Legal Name of child _____________________________________________________
Legal Name of child _____________________________________________________
Legal Name of child _____________________________________________________
and my responsibility for the care or support of this/these child(ren) is as follows:
and this responsibility arose as of __________________________________________.
I understand that if I make a false or misleading statement, I may be denied nancial assistance, and/or be required to immediately
repay all nancial assistance received, and/or be subject to criminal prosecution.
Signature of Declarant (Student) Today’s Date
Day Month Year
(Declarant’s (Student’s) Full Legal Name)
Declarant’s (Student’s) Social Insurance Number