Declaration for Federal Employment*
(*This form may also be used to assess fitness for federal contract employment)
Form Approved:
OMB No. 3206-0182
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
5 U.S.C. 1302, 3301, 3304, 3328 & 8716
Optional Form 306
Revised October 2011
Previous editions obsolete and unusable
1. FULL NAME (Provide your full name. If you have only initials in your name, provide them and indicate "Initial only". If you do not have a middle name,
indicate "No Middle Name". If you are a "Jr.," "Sr.," etc. enter this under Suffix. First, Middle, Last, Suffix)
3a. PLACE OF BIRTH (Include city and state or country)
YES NO (If "NO", provide country of citizenship)
5. OTHER NAMES EVER USED (For example, maiden name, nickname, etc)
6. PHONE NUMBERS (Include area codes)
Day ♦
Night ♦
Selective Service Registration
If you are a male born after December 31, 1959, and are at least 18 years of age, civil service employment law (5 U.S.C. 3328) requires that you
must register with the Selective Service System, unless you meet certain exemptions.
7a. Are you a male born after December 31, 1959?
YES NO (If "NO", proceed to 8.)
7b. Have you registered with the Selective Service System?
YES (If "YES", proceed to 8.) NO (If "NO", proceed to 7c.)
7c. If "NO," describe your reason(s) in item 16.
Military Service
8. Have you ever served in the United States military?
YES (If "YES", provide information below) NO
If you answered "YES," list the branch, dates, and type of discharge for all active duty.
If your only active duty was training in the Reserves or National Guard, answer "NO."
Branch From (MM/DD/YYYY) To (MM/DD/YYYY) Type of Discharge
Background Information
For all questions, provide all additional requested information under item 16 or on attached sheets. The circumstances of each event
you list will be considered. However, in most cases you can still be considered for Federal jobs.
For questions 9,10, and 11, your answers should include convictions resulting from a plea of nolo contendere (no contest), but omit (1) traffic
fines of $300 or less, (2) any violation of law committed before your 16th birthday, (3) any violation of law committed before your 18th birthday if
finally decided in juvenile court or under a Youth Offender law, (4) any conviction set aside under the Federal Youth Corrections Act or similar
state law, and (5) any conviction for which the record was expunged under Federal or state law .
9. During the last 7 years, have you been convicted, been imprisoned, been on probation, or been on parole?
(Includes felonies, firearms or explosives violations, misdemeanors, and all other offenses.) If "YES," use item 16
to provide the date, explanation of the violation, place of occurrence, and the name and address of the police
department or court involved.
10. Have you been convicted by a military court-martial in the past 7 years? (If no military service, answer "NO.") If
"YES," use item 16 to provide the date, explanation of the violation, place of occurrence, and the name and
address of the military authority or court involved.
11. Are you currently under charges for any violation of law? If "YES," use item 16 to provide the date, explanation of
the violation, place of occurrence, and the name and address of the police department or court involved.
12. During the last 5 years, have you been fired from any job for any reason, did you quit after being told that you
would be fired, did you leave any job by mutual agreement because of specific problems, or were you debarred
from Federal employment by the Office of Personnel Management or any other Federal agency? If "YES," use item
16 to provide the date, an explanation of the problem, reason for leaving, and the employer's name and address.
13. Are you delinquent on any Federal debt? (Includes delinquencies arising from Federal taxes, loans, overpayment
of benefits, and other debts to the U.S. Government, plus defaults of Federally guaranteed or insured loans such
as student and home mortgage loans.) If "YES," use item 16 to provide the type, length, and amount of the
delinquency or default, and steps that you are taking to correct the error or repay the debt.