August 2021
Declaration Form - Insurance
Financial Advice Provider
Financial Adviser
Insurer means an insurance product provider (including their associated parties)
Please complete and review this Declaration Form carefully. By signing this Declaration Form you are acknowledging that
you understand and agree to each of the statements set out in Sections A - F below.
Section A: Authority to act
I/We give the Financial Advice Provider express authority to act on my/our behalf with all Insurers in respect of obtaining and servicing
insurance products.
Section B: Fees & Commission Arrangements
I/We confirm that I/we have been provided with and have read and understood the Financial Adviser’s Disclosure Guide. I/We
understand that the Financial Adviser’s Disclosure Guide details, amongst other things, the commission, fees and expenses that may be
received by, or payable to, the Financial Adviser / Financial Advice Provider. I/We also understand and agree the circumstances in
which I/we may need to pay fees to the Financial Adviser / Financial Advice Provider (if applicable).
Section C: Relationship of Financial Advice Provider
I/We understand that:
● the Financial Adviser is a director, employee and/or contractor of the Financial Advice Provider and acts on behalf of the Financial
Advice Provider.
● the Financial Adviser and the Financial Advice Provider are members of The Loan Market Group Limited (Loan Market Group).
Loan Market Group provides services which can include a client management system, facilitating payment of commission, training,
and access to the Insurers.
● the Financial Adviser and the Financial Advice Provider are not employees, agents, partners or joint venture partners of the
Insurer(s) or Loan Market Group.
● the Financial Adviser and the Financial Advice Provider do not act on behalf of the Insurer(s) or Loan Market Group.
Section D: Privacy
D.1 Privacy Authorisation
I/We authorise my/our personal information (client information) to be collected, used and disclosed in accordance with Loan
Market Group’s privacy policy (available on Loan Market Group’s website: loanmarket.co.nz); and
I/We authorise my/our client information to be shared with the Insurer(s) and collected and used by them in accordance with
their privacy policies available on the Insurer(s)’ website(s).
D.2 Privacy Summary
The key terms of The Loan Market Group Limited privacy policy are summarised below:
Collection: The Financial Advice Provider may collect client information from a number of third parties. These
can include accountants, insurers and employers with your authorisation.
The Financial Advice Provider will collect and hold client information for the purpose of
recommending insurance products to me/us.
Disclosure: The Financial Advice Provider may disclose client information to third parties if the Financial Advice
Provider considers it necessary to do so for the purpose above. These third parties include the
● the Insurer(s)
● Loan Market Group
● service providers, e.g. organisations that provide the Financial Advice Provider with
administrative and management assistance and services
● the Financial Markets Authority and other regulators
● organisations involved in auditing the Financial Advice Provider.
Insurance Market - Winstone Partners Limited
393b Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland 1050, New Zealand
Rory McSweeney FRPS Number 740111