Chapter and Club
Declaration and Indemnification Policy
Fresno State Alumni Association • • PHONE: 559.278.ALUM • FAX: 559.278.6790
Chapter or Club Name: _____________________________________________________________
As representatives of the organization, we, the undersigned, understand:
1. Application does not imply official recognition, nor approval as a Chapter, Club or Network
(CCN) by the Fresno State Alumni Association (FSAA) and California State University, Fresno.
Until the CCN is notified of official recognition or approval, the privileges are not available to the
2. The CCN agrees to conduct itself in a manner consistent with the goals, objectives, and
standards of the FSAA and California State University, Fresno.
3. The CCN will abide by the policies and procedures set forth in the Chapter, Club & Network
Resource Guide.
4. The CCN recognizes that the pronouncements can be made only in the name of the CCN,
rather than in the name of the FSAA and/or California State University, Fresno.
5. The CCN that the FSAA and California State University, Fresno are not responsible for financial
commitments and obligations of the CCN.
6. The CCN does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender,
sexual orientation, Veterans’ status, disability or political affiliation.
The CCN hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the FSAA; California State University,
Fresno; California State University, Fresno Foundation; The Trustees of the California State University;
and all employees or agents of the foregoing from any damages incurred during an organization event.