PART II: TELPAS Participation* and Designated Supports Decisions
Assessment Participation
The student will take the general Texas English Language Proficiency System (TELPAS) in all four language domains.
The ARD committee, in conjunction with the LPAC, has determined that the student will not be assessed in one or more of the four
language domains, as noted in student’s individualized education program (IEP).
The ARD committee, Section 504 committee, or appropriate team of people at the campus level, in conjunction with the LPAC,
has determined that the student will receive designated supports, and noted accordingly.
The ARD committee, Section 504 committee, or appropriate team of people at the campus level, in conjunction with the LPAC, has
determined that the student will have a special administration of an online TELPAS assessment pending TEA approval.
The ARD committee, in conjunction with the LPAC, has determined that the student meets the TELPAS Alternate eligibility and will
be assessed with TELPAS Alternate, as noted in the student’s IEP.
* For English Learners (ELs) in kindergarten through grade 2 who do not have ARD or Section 504 committees, the LPAC is not required to meet to determine participation
decisions regarding unmodified English language proficiency assessments.
You can use the section below to record any other information pertinent to the assessment administration, including designated supports requiring Texas Education
Agency (TEA) approval or designated supports requested by a committee other than the LPAC.