Certificate entitlement
This application form can only be used if the death occurred in
NSW. If you are the next of kin named on the death certificate, i.e.
spouse (married/defacto/same sex defacto), parent or child of the
deceased, the death certificate can be issued to you. If you are a
relative not listed on the certificate, the certificate can be issued to
you if the deceased had no living spouse, children or parents.
If you DO meet the above criteria, you must provide:
Three forms of your own ID (see below).
If you DON’T meet the above criteria, you must provide:
A Letter of Authority (available at: www.bdm.nsw.gov.au)
giving permission from the next-of-kin. Please include their
address, phone number and signature.
Three forms of ID from the next-of-kin (see below).
Three forms of your own ID (see below).
Identification (ID)
Please provide at least three forms of ID, one of each from
categories 1, 2 and 3. If you are unable to provide ID from
categories 1 and 2, you must still provide at least three forms of ID.
At least two of these must be from category 3.
All documents except foreign passports must be current.
Category 1
If born in Australia:
An Australian birth certificate
Record of
immigration status:
Citizenship certificate
New Zealand
citizenship certificate
New Zealand
birth certificate
Category 3
Medicare card
Credit or debit card
Centrelink or Department
of Veterans Affairs card
Security guard/
Crowd control licence
Tertiary education
institution ID card
Category 4
Recent utility account
with current residential
Category 2
Australian driver’s licence
Australian passport
Firearms licence
Foreign passport
Proof of age card
Disclosure of information
When you complete this application form, understand that you
have consented to the release of information provided, to those
agencies who may be able to validate the information in support of
your application. More information: www.bdm.nsw.gov.au
Your right to privacy
To protect your privacy, the Registry requires proof of your identity.
In line with the NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration
Act 1995 and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act
1998, the Registry collects information to determine your eligibility
to obtain a certificate and to prevent fraud. Information may be
used for statistical purposes and by law enforcement agencies, and
other uses by law. Please read the Your Right to Privacy policy on
our website.
Online Lodging by post
You can lodge this application
online at:
GPO Box 30
NSW 2001
Lodging in person Phone: 13 77 88
Registry office locations
Monday to Friday 8am–4.30pm
■ 35 Regent St, Chippendale
■ 160 Marsden St, Parramatta
or at Service NSW service centres
Service NSW
Monday to Friday (7am–7pm)
Hearing/Speech impaired
■ TTY/V oice Call 133 677
■ NRS 1300 555 727
Translating and Interpreting
■ TIS National 131 450
Death Certificate
Form 10 Death Certificate Application. Effective: 1 July 2019