HUD-9887/A Fact Sheet
Verification of Information Provided by
Applicants and Tenants of Assisted Housing
What Verification Involves
To receive housing assistance, applicants and tenants who are at least 18
years of age and each family head, spouse, or co-head regardless of age
must provide the owner or management agent (O/A) or public housing agency
(PHA) with certain information specified by the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD).
To make sur
e that the assistance is used properly, Federal laws require
that the information you provide be verified. This information is verified in two
1. HU
D, O/As, and PHAs may verify the information you provide by
checking with the records kept by certain public agencies (e.g.,
Social Security Administration (SSA), State agency that keeps wage
and unemployment compensation claim information, and the
Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) National Directory
of Ne
w Hires (NDNH) database that stores wage, new hires, and
unemployment compensation). HUD (only) may verify informa
covered in
your tax returns from the U.S. Internal Revenue Se
You give your consent to the release of this information by
signing form HUD-9887. Only HUD, O/As, and PHAs can receive
information authorized by this form
The O/A must verify the information that is used to determine your
eligibility and the amount of rent you pay. You give your consent to
release of this information b
y signing the form HUD-9887, the form
HUD-9887-A, and the individual verification and consent forms t
y to you. Federal laws limit the kinds of information the O/A can
receive about you. The amount of income you receive helps to
determine the amount of rent you will pay. The O/A will verify all of the
sources of income that you report. There are certain allowances that
reduce the incom
e used in determining tenant re
xample: Mrs. Anderson is 62 years old. Her age qualifies her
for a
medical allow
ance. Her annual income will be adjusted because of
this allowance. Because Mrs. Anderson’s medical expenses will
help determine the amount of rent she pays, the O/A is required to
verify any medical expenses that she reports.
Example: Mr. Harris does not qualify for the medical allowance
because he is not at least 62 years of age and he is not
handicapped or disabled. Because he is not eligible for the medical
allowance, the amount of his medical expenses does not change
the amount of rent he pays. Therefore, the O/A cannot ask Mr.
Harris anything about his medical expenses and cannot verify with
a third party about any medical expenses he has.
Customer Protections
Information received by HUD is protected by the Federal Privacy Act.
Information received by the O/A or the PHA is subject to State privacy
laws. Employees of HUD, the O/A, and the PHA are subject to
penalties for using these consent forms improperly. You do not have to
sign the form HUD-9887, the form HUD-9887-A, or the individual
verification consent forms when they are given to you at your
certification or recertification interview. You may take them home with
you to read or to discuss with a third party of your choice. The O/A will
give you another date when you can return to sign these forms.
If you cannot re
ad and/or sign a consent form due to a disability, the
O/A shall make a reasonable accommodation in accordance with
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Such accommodations
may include: home visits when the applicant's or tenant's disability
prevents him/her from coming to the office to complete the forms; the
applicant or tenant authorizing another person to sign on his/her
behalf; and for persons with visual impairments, accommodations may
include providing the forms in large script or braille or providing
If an adult mem
ber of your household, due to e
xtenuating circumstances, is
unable to sign the form HUD-988
7 or the individual verification forms on time,
the O/A may document the file as to the reason for the delay and the specific
plans to obtain the proper signature as soon as possible.
The O/A must
tell you, or a third party which you choose, of the
findings made
as a result of the O/A verifications authorized by
consent. The O/A must give you the opportunity to contest such
findings in accordance with HUD Handbook 4350.3 Rev. 1. However, for
information received under the form HUD-9887 or form HUD-9887-A, HUD, the
O/A, or the PHA, may inform you of these findings.
O/As must kee
p tenant files in a location that ensures confidentiality.
y employee
of the O/A who fails to keep tenant information
confidential is subject to the enforcement provisions of the State Privacy Act
and is subject to enforcement actions by HUD. Also, any applicant or tenant
affected by negligent disclosure or improper use of information may bring civil
action for damages, and seek other relief, as may be appropriate, against the
887/A requires the O/A to give each household a copy of the Fact
Sheet, and form
s HUD-9887, HUD-9887-A along w
ith appropriate individual
consent forms. The package you will receive will include the
following documents:
1.HUD-9887/A Fact Sheet:
Describes the requirement to
information provided by individuals who apply for
housing assistance. This
fact sheet also
describes consumer protections under the ve
Form HUD-9887: Allow
s the release of information betwe
government agencies.
3.Form HUD-9887-A: Describ
es the requirement of third party
verification along w
ith consumer protections.
4.Individual verification consents: Used to
verify the re
information provided by applicants/tenants to determine their eligibility and
level of benefits.
quences for Not Signing the Consent Forms
If you fail to sign the form HUD-9887, the form HUD-9887-A, or the
individual verification forms, this may result in
your assistance being
denied (for applicants) or your assistance being terminated (for tenants). See
further explanation on the forms HUD-9887 and 9887-A.
you are an applicant and are denied assistance for this reason, the O/A
must notif
y you of the
reason for your rejection and give you an
opportunity to appeal the decision.
If y
ou are a tenant and your assistance is terminated for this reason,
the O/A must follow the procedures set out in the Lease. This includes
the opportunit
y for you to meet with the O/A.
Programs Covered by this Fact Sheet
Rental Assistance Program (RAP)
Rent Supplement
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Programs (administered by the
Office of Housing)
Section 202
Sections 202 and 811 PRAC
Section 202/162 PAC
Section 221(d)(3) Below Market Interest Rate
Section 236
HOPE 2 Home Ownership of Multifamily Units
O/As must give a copy of this HUD Fact Sheet to each household. See the Instructions on form HUD-9887-A.
Attachment to forms HUD-9887 & 9887-A (02/2007)