6. Decision Making in Hiring and Appointment of Faculty/Staff and Faculty/Staff Development
(e.g., academic and professional faculty and staff, other positions as needed in department, instructor workload, professional
development opportunities)
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
7. Advocacy for the School
(e.g., representation and promotion of the school at the local, state, and regional levels where appropriate)
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
8. Generation of Funding
(e.g., support of faculty in applying for grants; promotion of school goals and initiatives via application for funding from
grants, college administration, and outside agencies; success in obtaining financial resources)
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
9. Relationships with Faculty, Staff, Deans, Other Divisions, and Students
(e.g., availability to faculty, staff, and students; communication of needs to faculty and staff; quality interaction with faculty,
staff, and students; support of faculty innovation and creative work; responsiveness to student and staff needs; quality of
interaction with deans and chairs in other departments/divisions; performance in working with other divisions)
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
10. Initiative in Service to the Community
(e.g., support of professional development and service to the region)
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply
Exceeds Meets Needs Does
Expectations Expectations Improvement Not Apply