4/13/18 Academic Publications and Scheduling Services (apss@csuchico.edu)
Dean Approval for Exception
to a Standard Scheduled Final Exam
(no final exam during finals week)
1. Faculty: To request an exception from a standard scheduled final exam during finals week, complete all fields
on this form and submit to your Chair and ASC via email.
2. Departments: Forward completed form to your Dean requesting approval via email.
3. Deans: Forward form to APSS indicating approval; copy all parties on the email.
Class and Section:
Requesting RECURRING exception
~~ ALL sections, EVERY semester, ANY instructor = provide additional justification ~~
Final Exam Exception Statement
The department understands that the exception may need to be verified or renewed every semester, and for every
section of the course.
The department understands that final exams scheduled outside of Finals Week may create additional conflicts for
students, and the department should make every effort to accommodate the student.
1. Rationale for exception:
~~ if this should apply to ALL sections of this course EVERY semester and for ANY instructor, please
include specific detail as to why ~~
2. Type of exception:
Culminating experience (outside finals week, Masters CE/P/T course, etc.) = NO final scheduled
Non-Instruction class (Seminar, Study Session, Tutoring, etc.) = NO final scheduled
Truncated class, final exam scheduled prior to finals week:
Day, Date, and Time (2-hour block) Requested:
Room Requested:
Approved By:
Dean or Designee name and title