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Thank you for your interest in representing Evoke Motorcycles in your territory. We are looking for
suitable companies and/ or individuals with the desire to incite the electric revolution by bringing
Evoke Motorcycles into their home market. In order to ensure we are a suitable fit for each other,
please fill in this Dealer Application Form with as much appropriate information.
Evoke Motorcycles does not consider offers of new distribution networks until 12 months of
successful dealer partnership has been proven.
This document is an application form. Its purpose is to ensure that the Evoke brand is represented
by suitable entities internationally. Evoke Motorcycles requires all applicants to complete a Dealer
Application Form. The information provided will be treated confidentially and used solely for the
purpose of selecting the right partners for our brands. The submission and processing of the Dealer
Application Form obligates neither the applicant nor Evoke Motorcycles to become a party to a
Motorcycle Dealer Contract. Any investment and expenditure made by the applicant in
contemplation of Evoke entering into a Motorcycle Dealer Contract are at the applicant’s sole risk
and do not in any way obligate Evoke Motorcycles to accept the applicant as an official Evoke
Motorcycles Dealer.
Name of Applicant: _____________________________
Current Workplace: _____________________________
Position in Company: _____________________________
Telephone Number: _____________________________
Mobile Number: _____________________________
E-mail Address: _____________________________
Market (Country & City): _______________________________
Name of Holding Company (if applicable): _____________________________
Date Company Established: _____________________________
Registered Company Address (if applicable): ___________________________________
Do you currently sell any other vehicles? Yes No
How many units do you sell annually? ______________
If yes - other brands currently sold: _________________________________________________
Do you currently distribute to any dealers? If yes, how many? ______________
How many dealerships does your company own? ______________
Are you self-funded or will you raise investment? Self-funded Looking for Investment
Do you have warehousing? If so, how large? ______________