Dallas College Remote Work Agreement
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19. E
mployee agrees to use electronic equipment that has been encrypted and meets all of the College’s
security requirements. If the College provides equipment for home use, Employee agrees to provide
a secure location for College-owned equipment and will not use, or allow others to use, such
equipment for purposes other than College business. The College is responsible for maintaining,
repairing, and replacing College-owned equipment issued to Employees. In the event of equipment
malfunction, Employee must notify Employee’s supervisor immediately. If repairs will take some time,
the department will find alternative means to continue Employee’s work including, but not limited to,
asking Employee to report in-person to the main office until the equipment is usable.
20. Employee agrees to promptly report any device, whether College or-owned personally owned, used
for College District business under this Agreement that is lost, stolen, accessed by unauthorized
persons, or otherwise compromised in order to allow the College to assess the risk, and if necessary,
as determined at the College’s sole discretion, remotely wipe all College content from the device. If
the College does not already have access to the device, Employee agrees to promptly provide the
College with access to the device when such access is requested or required by the College for a
legitimate business purpose, including in the event of a security incident or investigation.
21. Employee agrees to comply with and abide by all applicable local, state and federal laws, as well as
College policies, procedures, and regulations, including but not limited to the College’s computer use
policies, policies relating to confidentiality, intellectual property, employee standards of conduct and
those prohibiting harassment, discrimination, retaliation and sexual misconduct.
22. All equipment, records, and materials provided by the College shall remain College property.
23. Employee will implement good information security practices in the remote work site setting and will
check with his/her supervisor when security matters arise.
24. In addition to the requirements of the College’s computer use policies, which apply to the use of all
College computing resources, Employee agrees not to print, backup or otherwise store College District
content locally (e.g. on desktop) on a personally-owned device or at the remote work site without the
College’s consent. Any such printouts, backups or other stored copies of content intentionally or
inadvertently created must be destroyed or deleted immediately.
25. Notwithstanding any College policies or procedures to the contrary, the College shall not pay for the
following expenses nor will it reimburse for any expenses incurred under this Agreement:
• Maintenance or repairs of privately-owned equipment;
• Utility costs associated with the use of the computer or occupation of the remote working
location, including but not limited to electricity, cell phone/long-distance charges or internet
• Equipment supplies (these should be requisitioned through the department); and,
• Travel expenses associated with commuting to and from the central office (unless authorized by
applicable College policies and procedures).
26. The College retains the right to modify, suspend, or end this Remote Work Agreement for any reason
including, but not limited to, an Employee request supported by the supervisor, as a result of business
necessity, a change in operational need, or if the Employee fails to fulfill job expectations to a
satisfactory level.