Contra Costa Community College District
DATE OF DEPOSIT: ___________________________________________________________
DEPOSITOR NAME: ___________________________________________________________
DVC FOUNDATION ACCOUNT NAME: ____________________________________________
PUROSE OF CASH (i.e. class, event, fundraising, donation):
AMOUNT: ___________________________________________________________________
FORM PREPARED BY: (Signature) ______________________________________________________
Deposit to GL Account: 11-01-201002-670000-29513
Distribution Code: DGEN
Check Payable to: DVC Foundation (Colleague ID: 2443)
Routing Instructions: Send check to DO Foundation Services
Received / Deposited by Cashier’s Office
(Signature) ___________________________
College Business Office:
Voucher no:___________________________
College Chief Business Office or Designee
(Signature) __________________________
1. Depositor fills out the form, brings it to Cashier’s Office with the deposit and receives a signed copy from
the Cashier to send to Foundation Services.
2. Cashier deposits the funds in the designated GL and forwards the form to College Business Office for
vouchering with a copy of Colleague receipt.
3. College Business Office prepares voucher for payment and forwards it to DO Accounting for payment.