b. Partner with the 14(c) Employer and Regional Center regarding the coordination of potential
employment and support services, as appropriate.
c. Conduct aggregate analysis of demographic data trends that support quality services.
2. 14(c) Worker/CC&IR Recipient and Guardian Conservator, as appropriate: Review the information
provided for accuracy, and sign to designate approval for the 14(c) Employer to submit the form to the
DOR Achieving Community Employment (ACE) Team.
3. 14(c) Employer Representative:
a. Review the information provided; and, complete the bottom portion and sign the form.
b. Submit completed, signed form to DOR ACE Team 511 CCIR@dor.ca.gov.
c. Retain a copy for your records.
4. DOR ACE Team: Upon receipt of this form, the ACE Team will:
a. Assign the new 14(c) Worker/CC&IR Recipient to the regional ACE Rehabilitation Counselor
and open a DOR record of services to document the CC&IR services needed and provided.
b. Schedule person-centered CC&IR services that meet the individual’s needs and employment
related interests.
An individual, with the Legal Guardian or Conservator if applicable, has the right to inspect information
maintained by DOR about the individual, unless otherwise prohibited or conditioned by law or regulation.
For assistance accessing such information, contact DOR.
If information is released to an individual or agency with the informed, written consent of the individual to
whom the information pertains, the receiving individual or agency should be aware that the information
from DOR is confidential. Federal regulation and state law and regulation prohibit any further disclosure
of this information without the informed, written consent of the individual to whom this information pertains,
unless otherwise permitted by law.
Any personal information collected by the DOR is subject to the limitations in the California Information
Practices Act (Civ. Code § 1798 et seq.), Title 34 Code of Federal Regulations section 361.38, and
California Code of Regulations, title 9, sections 7140 through 7143.5. The DOR may release personal
information in response to a court order, investigations in connection with law enforcement, fraud, or abuse,
subject to the limitations set forth in California Code of Regulations, title 9, section 7143.5 (34 C.F.R. §
361.38(e) (4) and (5)).