If yes, how often do you give the preventative?______________________________________________
What brand do you use?_______________________________________________________________
Plans for this animal
ith this pet, how many animals will live in the household?____________________________________
Why do you want another animal? (please check all that apply)
et for Child
Pet for Family
Gift for Adult
Gift for Child
Guard Dog
Companion for Another Pet
Not Sure
Are you looking for a: Male Female Either
Do you prefer a: Puppy Adult Either
Do you prefer a dog to be: Spayed/Neutered NOT Spayed/Neutered No Preference
** If you have specified that you want a puppy, please reconsider adopting an adolescent or adult dog.
The puppy stage only lasts for about six months and comes with much added responsibility. Adult
dogs are terrific too and bond just as well with their adoptive families. Older animals are the ones
that really need rescuing.**
Where will your new dog stay when alone during the day?_________________________________
Where will your new dog sleep at night? _______________________________________________
What percentage will the dog spend inside %_____________ outside%______________________
How many hours will the dog be alone each day?________________________________________
How do you plan to exercise this dog? ________________________________________________
What circumstances, do you think, justify giving a dog up?
New baby
Not getting along with other pets
Getting out of fence
Behavioral problems (potty training
ssues, separation anxiety, etc)
Dog gets too big
Children lost interest
Too time consuming
Aggressive behavior
Other (please explain)_____________________________________________________________
Are you prepared to provide a safe and permanent home for this dog for the next 10 to15 years
(average lifespan of a dog)? Yes No
Medical Information
hat do you expect annual pet care (vet care, medication, heartworm prevention, grooming, etc.) to
cost? _____________________________
What do you expect to pay in the event of a medical emergency?______________________________
How do you plan to prevent fleas and ticks? ______________________________________________
What is heartworm disease and how is it prevented? _______________________________________
If your dog later develops a medical problem that becomes expensive what would you do?
Find another home for him
Pay whatever it takes
Have him put to sleep
Give him to a rescue group or shelter
Other (please explain)_____________________________________________________________
I agree to allow a PAWS Atlanta agent to inspect my home upon appointment. Yes No
PAWS Atlanta will work with owners to keep the animal in the home as long as a safe and loving
environment can be provided there. However, if you find it absolutely necessary to relinquish the