11/15 OGS GO-22
The doctoral program must submit this form to the Office of Graduate Studies
upon successful completion of all departmental requirements for comprehensive examinations.
omprehensive examinations are scheduled and administered in accordance with the established rules of the program, which
must be made publicly available to students via the program’s website or doctoral student handbook. Comprehensive
examinations can only be offered during regular academic terms, i.e., not between terms. Any exception must be approved in
advance by the Office of Graduate Studies.
tudents must be registered for a minimum of 1 graduate credit in
each term they are taking or working on comprehensive examinations.
Student ___________________________________________________ PSU ID #__________________________________
ree (Ph.D., Ed.D.) ____________ Major __________________________________________________________________
tudent’s Doctoral Program Adviser ________________________________________________________________________
1. C
omprehensive Examinations Dates and Outcome
The Office of Graduate Studies must verify registration for all terms in which comprehensive examinations are taken.
Comprehensive examinations can be administered across multiple days or over a period of time; therefore, the Office of
Graduate Studies requires that all dates in which the student was engaged in comprehensive examinations be provided on
this form. If an exam was taken over a range of time (e.g. a take home paper), the date the student started the exam and the
date the student submitted the exam to the examining committee must be provided.
Examples of dates:
• Exam taken on a single date: 10/30/15
• Exams taken on multiple dates: 11/20/14, 11/3/15, 11/4/15
• Exam(s) taken over a range of time: 2/20/15 – 4/2/15
lease provide all dates the student took oral and/or written comprehensive examinations:
ate(s) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
2. D
octoral Program Approval of Comprehensive Examinations
The Office of Graduate Studies requires confirmation of the date the doctoral program made the determination that the
student successfully completed comprehensive examinations. This date may be different than the date(s) the student too
he exam(s); for example, the date the exam was graded could be several weeks later than the date the student completed
the exam.
The doctoral program confirms that this student has successfully passed all comprehensive examinations required for the
egree program indicated above as of _____________________________________.
______________________________________ ________________________________________ ______________
Doctoral Program Director – Printed name Signature Date