Please note this form is for domestic buildings and not for commercial or industrial use
The following information is required to assess if you need to apply for a Building Warrant
1 Your details
Address and postcode
Daytime phone number
Email address
2 Address of proposal if different from above address
3 Short description of your proposal
4 Is your home :
5 At present how many storeys does your home have ?
Note : this includes the ground floor and basement
6 Does the provision of sanitary appliances (wc, basin, bath, shower etc) form part of the proposals ?
If Yes will the drainage from these appliances connect to the existing system
Yes No
Terraced Detached Semi-detached or a Flat
above ground level
below ground level
(a) is there a new opening proposed between the porch or conservatory
and the existing dwelling ?
7 Does the proposed work increase the floor area of your home ?
9 Will the proposed works affect the existing external walls in any way ?
8 Will the proposed works affect the roof structure in any way ?
10 Will the proposed works affect any elements of the structure, such as foundations,
loadbearing walls or existing beams/columns ?
11 Will the works affect any walls or floors between you and your neighbour ?
(eg. new electrical sockets in a party wall).
Yes No If yes, give details
12 Where the work is the construction of a porch or conservatory
Yes No If yes, give details
Yes No If yes, give details
Yes No If yes, give details
(b) will the new opening be fitted with a door/screen ?
Yes No
(c) what is the proposed wall construction ?
(d) what is the proposed roof construction ?
(e) what percentage of the proposed walls and roof will be constructed in translucent sheeting
glass ? (including the frames).
Walls % Roof %
Yes No
Yes No
If yes, give the increased floor area
2 3
mtrs sq