1. DNA is unique for everyone with one exception. What would be an example of that
exception? __________________________________________________________
2. What are DNA Fingerprints used for?
A) ________________________________________________________________
B) ________________________________________________________________
3. What “crime” was committed? ____________________________________________
4. What bodily fluid was removed from the “crime scene” to get the DNA?
5. How many suspects are there in this crime? _________________________________
6. What does a Restriction Enzyme do?
7. What is Agarose Gel?
8. What is Electrophoresis?
9. Smaller fragments of DNA move _____________________ that longer strands.
10. Why do you need to place a nylon membrane over the gel?
11. Probes attach themselves to _____________________________________________
12. Which chemical in your “Virtual Lab” is radioactive? ____________________________
13. Sketch your DNA Fingerprint in the box
14. Based on your DNA Fingerprint…
DNA Activity 1 worksheet
DNA Fingerprinting ... "It Takes a Lickin"
Create A DNA Fingerprint
WEBSITE: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sheppard/analyze.html
Part 3: Evaluate the Evidence:
Part 2: “DNA Fingerprinting at the NOVA Lab!”
Part 1: “It Takes A Lickin’!”