Date _______________
_________________________________ ___________________________________________
Student’s Full Name (Last, First, Middle) Student’s Identification Number
_________________________________ ___________________________________________
Address Graduate Program
________________________________ ___________________________________________
City, State, ZIP Degree Sought
________________________________ Initial Term (GS Use only) _____________________
(Area Code) Telephone
Is the title of the thesis abstract attached? YES [ ] NO [ ]
Expected oral examination date: ___________________
An oral examination may not be held until the Graduate School approves the recommended committee.
Research Assurance:
Are human subjects involved in the research? □ Yes □ No
(If yes, please attach a copy of the approval from a University Institutional Review Board)
Are vertebrate species (birds, mammals, fish, etc.) involved in the research? □ Yes □ No
(If yes, please attach the UMES Animal Care and Use Committee form, showing protocol number and approval date)
Are bio-hazardous materials, biological or chemical, or recombinant RNA/DNA involved in this research? □ Yes □ No
(If yes, please attach a copy of the approval from the appropriate university committee)
Theses Examining Committees must have a minimum of three (3) members. Two of these members must be a
Regular or Associate member of the UMES Graduate Faculty. The chair of these committees must be the student’s
advisor and must be a Regular or Associate member of the Graduate Faculty.
Nominated Committee