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Petitioner(s)/Respondent(s): Case Number:
4. Identify whether the respondent is any of the following (check all that apply):
San Manuel Tribal Member Non-Member Indian
Non-Indian Resident of San Manuel Reservation
A Tribal Member whose minor child allegedly committed the incident of disorderly conduct
A Tribal Member whose guest (including a spouse or person residing with the member) allegedly committed
the incident of disorderly conduct
5. a. Date(s) alleged incident committed:
b. Date Petitioner learned of alleged incident:
6. Applicable paragraph(s) of section 8.2.2 of Disorderly Conduct Ordinance ((a) - (p)):
7. Location where alleged act(s) occurred (check all that apply):
Within the boundaries of the San Manuel Reservation At a San Manuel Tribal facility
Specify location:
8. If alleged act(s) occurred at a San Manuel Tribal event:
a. Describe event (date, time, location, name or type of event):
b. Was event sponsored, in whole or in part, by the Tribe?
c. WereTribalgovernmentofcialsorTribalMembersinvited?
9. Describe the alleged act(s) in detail:
See attached declaration(s), incident report(s) or other documents for further details.
10. Describe potential or actual severity of harm related to the alleged act(s):
Yes No
Yes No