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Harassment Complaint Form
Last Name: ___________________________ First Name: _________________________________
Address: ________________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _____
Zip Code: __________ Email Address:________________________________________________
Home/Cell Phone Number: _______________________ Work Phone Number: _________________
Please check those that apply:
I am a: Student Faculty Staff
Other (Explain) ____________________________________________________
Age Color Disability Gender
GINA National Origin Race Religion
Sexual Harassment Sexual Orientation
List the individual, department, or group that harassed you (if more than one, list all):
Explain the basis of your complaint on page two. Provide as much detail about the incident(s) as possible. Include date(s),
place(s), person(s) involved, witness(es), etc. Use additional sheets as needed.
Please submit to: Krissy Kilwein OR Keith James
May Hall 309 May Hall 210
Dickinson State University Dickinson State University
291 Campus Drive 291 Campus Drive
Dickinson, ND 58601 Dickinson, ND 58601
Office: (701) 483-2530 Office: (701) 483-2091
Procedures for Harassment Complaints are located at: