Division of Environmental Health
260 East 15
Street / Merced, California 95341 / Phone (209) 381-1100 / FAX (209) 384-1593
Equal Opportunity Employer
Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to the event for a period of less than 30 minutes, or when time is
used as the public health control, potentially hazardous food shall be maintained at or above 135°F, or at or below 41°F. If
time only
, rather than time in conjunction with temperature (active units such as steam tables and/or mechanical
refrigeration), is used as the public health control for a working supply of potentially hazardous food before cooking or for
ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food that is displayed or held for service for immediate consumption, certain steps must be
taken to ensure that the food will remain safe (CA H&S Code 113996&14000). The first food items out of temperature must
be served first, this is called the “First In First Out” or FIFO procedure. Please fill out the tim
e control information below and
attach it to your Community Food Event Vendor Application:
Name of Vendor / Business:_______________________________________________________________________
Name of Event:_____________________________________________ Date of Event:________________________
Food Items Under Time Control:___________________________________________________________________
Location Where Food Will Be Prepared: _____________________________________________________________
How Will the Food Be Transported?____________________________________________________________
How Will The Temperature Be Maintained?______________________________________________________
How Will You Label For “First In First Out”?_____________________________________________________
Food cannot be out of temperature for more than 4 hours, in order to ensure that food is discarded before the
4 hour limit you will discard leftover food items every:
3.5 hours 3 hours 2.5 hours 2 hours Other__________
I understand that my food items must be discarded after they have been out of temperature for 4 hours maximum. I will
label my food items to ensure that the first food items prepared will be the first items served (FIFO).
Signature of Vendor/Business Owner:____________________________ Date:_____________________
Print Name:_____________________________
EH Office Use Only
Approved By:
Insulated Bag(s)
Date/Time Labels