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Reporting Requirements
Reporting of all pesticide applications including spray adjuvants and plant growth regulators, is required by:
1. Landscape maintenance gardener pest control businesses, agricultural pest control businesses performing residential work, and structural
pest control businesses.
2. Public agencies, pest control businesses and property operators who apply pesticides for agricultural use other than for the production of an
agricultural commodity. These uses include applications for the production of poultry, fish, and apiary. Pest control businesses must report uses
for the production of livestock. Also, uses on golf courses, parks, rights-of-way, cemeteries, forests, ditches, fence lines, etc. must be reported.
3. Persons who use restricted materials for uses other than the production of an agricultural commodity.
4. Persons who use a pesticide for industrial post-harvest commodity treatments.
5. Persons who use a Ground Water Protection pesticide, listed in Title 3, California Code of Regulations, section 6800(b) for any outdoor,
institutional or industrial use.
Report Filing Deadlines
Reports must be submitted, in duplicate (original and pink copy), to the county agricultural commissioner by the 10th of the month, following the
month in which the work was performed. Reports may be hand-delivered or mailed, the postmark serving as the date of delivery.
For each month when no pest control work has been performed, licensed pest control businesses must submit a use report by the 10th day of
the following month to the county agricultural commissioner in counties where they are registered. The use report must indicate that no pest
control work was performed.
The operator/firm information should be filled out completely, including the address, zip code, and telephone number.
Identify the Operator Identification/Restricted Material Permit Number, if applicable.
Enter the name of the county where the pesticide(s) was applied.
Indicate the county number where the product(s) was applied. The county number is available from the county agricultural commissioner's
office. A separate report must be filed for each county where pesticides were applied.
Enter the month and year in which the applications were made.
Enter the total number of applications (i.e., the total of column D below) made during the month.
In Column A, enter both the manufacturer and brand name of the product.
In Column B, enter the "EPA Registration Number" or "California Registration Number" that appears on the pesticide label, including alpha
codes, if any (AA, ZA, ZB, etc.). Do not use the "EPA Establishment Number" (Est. No.).
In Column C, indicate the total amount of product used as formulated and packaged by the manufacturer. Do not report the total mixture after
dilution. Check only one unit of measure. If necessary, decimals and fractions may be used.
In Column D, indicate the total number of applications for each pesticide used during the reporting month. Each separate site (home, apartment
complex, building, right-of-way, grain silo, etc.) should be counted as one application. For tank mixes, each represented pesticide should be
credited with one application.
In Column E, if the use of the product is structural, landscape, right-of-way, vertebrate, public health, commodity fumigation (nonfood/nonfeed)
or regulatory, enter the appropriate code number. Leave Columns F and G blank.
In Column F, if use of the product is not included in one of the number coded categories that are identified in column E, such as food/feed
commodity fumigations, seed treatment, noncrop fencelines or ditch banks, etc., enter the commodity or site treated. Leave Column E blank.
Do not enter vertebrate pest control work in production areas such as orchards or other crop areas. This work should be reported on the
Production Agriculture Monthly Pesticide Use Report.
In Column G, if use of the product is not included in one of the number-coded categories that are identified in Column E, enter the amount
treated and the appropriate unit of measure (acres, pounds, square feet, tons, etc.). If you have a different measure, describe it fully and enter
the amount treated. Leave Column E blank.
Enter the name of the person responsible for completing the information, and date the report. This could be a licensee, a manager, the person
who applied the pesticide, a bookkeeper, etc.