q Please check if the potential new member (PNM) is a ∆ΦΕ legacy ***This is not a legacy form***
For the Delta Phi Epsilon chapter/colony at
Potential New Member Information
Name of Potential New Member
Home Address
Delta Phi Epsilon Relatives:
Does the potential new member have a ∆ΦΕ relative?
q Sister q Mother q Grandmother
q Step-Sister q Step-Mother q Step-Grandmother
Check one:
q Sister q Mother q Grandmother q Step-sister q Step-Mother
q Step-Grandmother q Other
Name Chapter
Check one:
q Sister q Mother q Grandmother q Step-sister q Step-Mother
q Step-Grandmother q Other
Name Chapter
Does the potential new member have connections with other NPC groups? If yes, list aliation
and relationship
High school attended
Year graduated
High School GPA Scale
High school class rank / class size SAT / ACT score
College class:
q Freshman q Sophomore q Junior q Senior
Is this potential new member a transfer student?
q Yes q No
College attended after high school if applicable
College major
College GPA Scale
Additional Information:
Please check attributes and add comments and examples. Check all boxes that apply. Please
attach a resume if available.
Sisterhood Qualities Comments
q Good moral character
q Loyal
q Dependable
q Respected
College or University
First (Nickname or Name Called) Last
Street Number City State Zip
Name City State
Name City State
This form is intended to introduce
a PNM to a chapter/colony and will
not influence or hinder the chance
for an invitation for membership.
Letters of recommendation are not
required by ∆ΦΕ.
“We met with a completely honest
approach~there were no false
values or suspicions, no need to
produce letters of recommenda-
tion or financial statements. We
still meet often and that quality of
friends is still present.”
~Eve Effron Robin
This is not a legacy form. If the
PNM is a legacy, please submit a
legacy form at http://www.dphie.
Please send this introduction form
and attachments directly to the
q Introduction form
q Photo (if available)
q Resume (if available)
Send introduction forms as early as
possible. Some chapters may have
a deadline for receipt of forms.
Please visit the univerity website
for more information.
Any alumna member in good
standing may submit an
introduction form. Collegiate
members in good standing may
submit an introduction form for a
PNM attending a different school
other than her own.
Recruitment Introduction Form